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The Truth about MasterYoda

Guest recluse

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Guest recluse

Hello, I am Ki-Adi's other brother. I am posting this because I saw the chat that took place earlier this morning.

I don't mean to get the board riled up, but I think this must be done.

During the chat, Ki-Adi mentioned to Yoda how people were talking about how the council made people feel less better. He mentioned how some people feel like the council makes people think they are better than everyone else. Knowing the wisdom of MasterYoda, I expected Yoda to want to change it at first. But to my surprise, Yoda said "GOOD". then Ki-Adi kinda yelled at him and said that was selfish. Yoda threatened to leave the board again (A tantrum if you ask me) and told Ki-Adi to tell the board how it was Ki-Adi's fault he was leaving. Ki-Adi said he would put what was said in the chat, on the board, and immediatly, MasterYoda hummed a different tune. He then began talking about how the change is a good idea after all, resulting in what is posted in his, Everyone must read post.

I'm sorry if the board gets riled up, but I feel this should be known. I think MasterYoda is on the Dark Side, he just hides it from everyone.


Don't reply, just read. So you know i'm not doing it for attention. I repeat, DON'T REPLY


"Hard to see the Dark Side is"




[This message has been edited by recluse (edited April 23, 2000).]

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Guest Adi_Gallia

<font face="Calligraph421 BT"><font color="lightblue">It's quite easy to see that Yoda was upset. Don't jump on him! He's the most knowledgable person in this forum. If you don't like Yoda, then you must be the only one. Even Maul,Sith Lord thinks Yoda is wise. I think you're just looking for attention like everyone else!





Jedi Master Adi Gallia


~I've got a bad feeling about this.~

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Guest recluse

All i'm doing is letting people know the truth about why Yoda is stepping down. I was sitting right here next to Ki-Adi, I'm not jumping on Yoda, Ki already did that. I'm just letting the board know that Yoda has everyone fooled. He's basking in his seniority!


you don't get it. When Ki-adi told Yoda that people felt like the Council was elite and better. Yoda said GOOD. that is evil.


[This message has been edited by recluse (edited April 23, 2000).]

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Guest Plo Koon

Ok, Recluse, everyone just about talks different in person or when chatting. If my name wasn't Plo Koon in the chat room, you would never guess it was me in a thousand years. Just about everyone gets out of their left brain and into their right brain when chatting.


Hope you can see the light.




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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

I figured as much. The council was nothing more than patting each other on the back saying we are the best. I did not think that it would lead to delusions of granduer, or feelings of superiority however.



"I don't know, fly casual"


[This message has been edited by Obi-wan Shinobi (edited April 23, 2000).]

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Guest Plo Koon

That is not true Shinobi. All the council is are people to point at when newbies or other people need help. Get the facts before you post.




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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

get the facts before I post? I read nearly every thread posted and don't really care for your condescending tone. Just because someone doesn't agree with you Plo doesnt mean the dont have the fact.



"I don't know, fly casual"

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<font color="green1">Plo is right, that is not what the council is. We are no better than everyone else.




Master Qui-Gon, Jedi Council Member

Always remember, your focus determines your reality.


[This message has been edited by Master Qui-Gon (edited April 23, 2000).]

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

Maybe in your eyes there is no differeance. But in the eyes of others you are better, especailly newcomers. And if you want my opinion, which you probably don't, the council is not living up to my expectations of what the council should be.




Be Excellent To Each Other!!

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<font color="green1">I do want your opinion. Tell us exactly what you think the council should be and what we can do to make this happen. I am here for the forum, not myself.




Master Qui-Gon, Jedi Council Member

Always remember, your focus determines your reality.

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Guest Hannibal

In my opinion because there have been complaints it isnt working. we should request that an official moderator be appointed. Maybe one of the remaining council members. But as far as choosing a new council, how was the old one chosen? and by who?

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<font color="green1">The council was nominated and elected by the members of the forum. None of us nominated ourselves or asked to be on the council. We are here to help, that is all.




Master Qui-Gon, Jedi Council Member

Always remember, your focus determines your reality.

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Guest Plo Koon

Master, as always, I approve of your decisions. Whatever you feel is right must be because of your great wisdom.

I, however, did not think the council would come to this because the few jerks that are ruining it for everyone.




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Guest Hannibal

<font color="orange"> As far as Master Yoda goes, one of my first memories of this forum is him helping me. So, I have no problem with him. Here's an idea, how bout rotating members of the council i read somewhere that 3 members of the council werent permanent. Nah, it won't work. The process of choosing new members may be to difficult to do more to often. <font color="yellow"> Nevermind.

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Guest ob-have

the problem is the council! all of the members are good people as far as i have read. the problem is that for some reason people want to have splinter groups or leaders? what's up with that? i don't want to have to go through "official" council channels to get help w/ or discuss the game. all of this drama crap has just filled up the board w/ useless info, and is slowly taking away enjoyment w/ the game. i still laugh when i read that people spend most of the time on this board and maybe a 1/2 hour a day playing the game. strange ratio there.

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Guest obi-boy

i agree ob-have this council crap is getting old it's not that big of deal no one needs to leave or nothing i've appreciated greatly any help from the "council" members or anyone else i really dont think there should be a council!

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Guest Obi-wan Shinobi

all I have said from the begining is that I am opposed to the segregation that the council promotes. These are just forums. They should not be about who knows more abot the game and what not. If the council is here to help people, just help them. You dont need the council to do that. Look at me, I make it a point to welcome all new members to the forum. I dont have to say I am a part of a faction to do that. Plus, if what recluse says is true about members of the council wanting members to appear superior to posters, than the council truly is an abomination. I cant tolerate people who put themselves above others just to feed their ego.



"I don't know, fly casual"


[This message has been edited by Obi-wan Shinobi (edited April 23, 2000).]

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Guest 84Elan

You gentalmen have hit the jawa right on the head lets play the game and share our knoledge with others so that they too can enjoy the great game that is JPB.


The council is a direct result of too much time on the board. The people who make it up are great but so are the rest of the people who help each other it seems to me that lately the concil has been preocupied with this matter an not as a whole helping folks with their problems.


Thank you and I leave you all in peace....



Remember...Your Focus Determins your Reality....

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Guest recluse

I can forsee MasterYoda deleting posts that are against him. I do not think someone so close to the dark side or so young should be moderating a channel. I can see deleting swearing and that kind of stuff. But if I were to rally against him I'm sure he'd rally back instead of doing the right thing. Just like Mace did when the council was going down. Responsibility is for the responsible, not the kids.

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Guest Angel Halcyon

So is temper tantrums which is what you are doing Recluse.Leave yoda alone.He's a good kid and loves the game.You just like to insult and cry when things do not go your way.

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Guest MasterYoda

I believe u are wrong and i ask u to have faith in me. I WILL NOT FIGHT WITH YOU. That is what truly leads to the darkside.




JPB Moderator

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Guest Maul Clone

Hey guys, I have a theory that if I formed a Sith Order it may loosen the conflict about the Council. You guys could form the Council again any way you want. The Sith Order could be the quick and easy path for those who oppose you. Newbies would be allowed in, and elections who eventually decide the members of the Sith Order.


I think it would help balance the Force of the board. What do you think?




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