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WIP:JC Denton

Kyle Katarn__4

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I am working on JC Denton basing it off the Jedi Tyrion model hes nearly done his hair needs adjusting I need to put sunglasses on him and then shorten the sleeves of his jacket and he'll be done if anyone can help me with any of these things I would apprecitate it. Oh btw JC is from Deus Ex for anyone who hasn't played it he wears sunglasses like Neos Dark blue Trench coat Armor chest plate Black boots dark blue pants and hes got an additude.

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Well thank you for all the help if any of you have any further help to give on the sleeves the Hair or the Sunglasses let me know as for the Mesh I have e-mail asbath so now I have to wait and see if he'll respond if not the Hair will be the best it can and as for the shades I have been told by a few people that they will help me.

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Hey guys I'm in really bad spirits I wanted to make JC the best and greatest acurate I could but unfotunatly I e-mailed Asbath and Bloodriot and got no reply I don't know what to do I feel like such a failure.:( :( :( :( If only they could reply and send me the mesh I could make it acurate but it looks like I'll have to release it as it I'll wait to more days for there e-mail and then I will release it.

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