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Coders needed for Masters of the Force


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I've unofficially cancelled Jedi Styles until Stellarwind shows back up. Until then, I'm starting a Mod in the same vain of trying to boost the realism of the game in general. The official title is Star Wars: Masters of the Force. I'm aiming for a two staged modification schedule. Stage One will involve reworking the game mechanics for more realism. Stage Two will involve adding a experience / leveling system to the game for a more flexible and fun game experience. Eventually, I'm aiming for a Mod capable of recreating the movie battles in a way that is as fun and realistic as possible. I will accept help in basically any area and experience level, but the more coders I get, the better. :)


The main thread for this is in General Editing, here.

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Saber hit location? :p Nice realism :D I done it, my first and only coding that works properly :p

<--- n00bie coder....


can have that if you dont have the spare 30seconds to do it urself (cause it was easy :D)


Increase damage for realism? :)

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Sorry, I don't understand what you are offering. :confused:


Are you offering some sort of saber hit location code? What does it do?


And yes, all the Sabers and Guns will deal "realistic" amounts of damage. One hit WILL kill you unless your Dodge ability gets you out of the way.

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yes i have a Hit Location damage code that can be used for all weapons, selected weapons or just the sabers, what ever makes u happy :)


I also added that when u shoot someone in the leg or saber them in the leg they fall down... good fun :)


was going to make it so u drop the weapon, saber if you get hit in the hand/arm.... but that looks like too much work so i got scared :p


and yes u can have it

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It uses the same system that dismember does... put into the g_damage function... can't remember the exact commands etc etc... ant touched coding in about a month.... want me to pm it too u and where it goes etc? i'll do it when i get home from work, cause it has to go into a specific part of g_damage or it doesn't work... it was a pain in the arse :p

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