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BS Using Force?


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I've asked that as well after listening to everyone piss and moan about getting backstabbed, and then the ones who pull the move argueing that it was valid blah blah blah. We all know the old story. But I agree. The main problem lied in that people were running around constantly using that move and that move alone. Having it take from the force meter is a good idea considering how strong it is. It could even be rationalized that to use the move, you have to be able to sense your opponnent in the force since you can't see him behind you. This way we have the move with it's potency unmolested, yet you won't have the same guy constantly trying to backstab you so much.


But it's not that way and really to me, I couldn't care less that it's nerfed. I never used the damn move much. There's other ways to kill people anyhow. Just explore other options.

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