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Roger droid, MacD, ... Where are they ??


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Originally posted by Mix_Master2k

no the model is hosted all over the place, theres one at jk2files.com and one at jediknightii.net, just look around


hmm.... no no no...


As far as i know only 0.96 have been released


(but i were under impression that 0.97 (fixed

UVmapping / new skins / ... were "ready" to

be released about week a ago)


But still no new version, and MacD haven't

been there since...



or have you seen it downloadable somewhere

with these skins ??

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ALIEN_JL, Your skins for the Clone Trooper model that are now hosted on JKII.net are out of date, they are based on the first version of the model, or I should say, model included with them, Keg has updated it sence then and fixed the Saber issue.


You should released those skins with the newier Clone Trooper model.

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Heh...sorry 'bout the hiatus guys. Real life can be a bitch sometimes :)


Anyway, ALIEN_JL's skins rock, don't they :) They really make the model. Thanks for making and letting me use them.

The new model (now called battle droid v1.0) has been upped to jk2files and jediknightii, so go get it :)


BTW any feedback on the battle droid (modeling suggestions, bugs etc) are appreciated!

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