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On screen text druing cutscenes


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Prison has basically been done for a while, and haven't had too much joy with the voice actors so far. I guess I started looking for them too late in the maps development. I will keep trying to get some voice actors for a little more, but incase I can't I was thinking the other alternative is to have text printed on screen. I know how to do this within radiant, but I can't seem to get it working within scripting. There is a print text command in BehavEd, but I can't get it working. Anyone got any ideas?

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Many default commands are not working. Print is one of them.

Let me give you another example.


The move command doesnt work in jk2 as its supposed to. In behaved's manual, it says that the move command needs 3 parameters; the point where the entity will move from, the destination point and the moving time. However you just use the first parameter as the destination and the time parameter.


So some scripting commands are changed or not working completely as they're mentioned in the manual.


Well, that's a pity.

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I havent tried this method yet, but perhaps you could use the "target_print" entity.


It works fine ingame but, as i say, i have tried it in any of my cinematics yet:)


If you give it a targetname then you should be able to activate it via script by useing the "use" key


For example:


use ( "trig1" );


Would activate an entity with the targetname "trig1"

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