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New WIP saber...Plo Koon

Darth Stryke

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Tell me whatcha all think (click the link)Once again, please note this is only my second JK2 model, so make comments constructively. I personally do not like the main texture because it is too grey, however, the original was not chromed either so I am going for the polished metal look.



Plo Koon's Episode 2 Saber



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the model itself is pretty good But the Skin needs more detail.


Try to make the metal more reflective or have that polished look, but not too polished.


I myself am working on my skinning, cause right now im horrible at it.


So keep on workin on it, but all in all, pretty good saber

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The top and Bottom parts bother me the most. The top, where it looks like you pilled TONS of thin cylinders, Are not evenly spaced out. They start off extremely cluttered, then space out.


Then bottom part where you have the ridges trying to connect to the base of the hilt. They don't seem to line up properly.


The Main body of the hilt looks good.

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Well, the emitter ring/cylinder thingies ARE spaced correctly, I checked them in milkshape again, it is just the angle. As for the fins at the bottom, I adjusted those and I agree, they were wrong and I think they are better now, but once again, the angel still makes them run together, but they are spaced right now. Here is the updated textures as well, very nice IMO. (Note, I am sorry kyle, I had to chop your hand off to get a better shot) :D


Click Below




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First off, I already redid my kit fisto saber with these textures, so just e-mail me BoL_Stryke@hotmail.com and ill send it to ya-I cant update it on jk2files or jediknightii.net because they havent posted the original yet so I have to make sure I submitted it right in the first place :D Anyways, just gimme a shout and I can e-mail it. As for the Plo Koon saber, it will be released soon at the same 2 sites, and both (hopefully) will be in the next jedi mod hilt pack if remark likes them. Thats about it, now on to my next project :) Should post more on that soon...




Brigade of Light

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For those who have read this, I have submitted BOTH my Kit Fisto saber and my Plo Koon saber to http://www.jediknightii.net and http://www.jk2files.com and they both have the polished metal textures (like on my last plo pic) and should be up soon (I hope) Thanks for the feedback and I hope that you enjoy using these sabers as much as I enjoyed making them :D


Nota Bene: I am now working on a new saber, look for the thread on it relatively soon.





"Never argue with a fool, for he could be doing the same"

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