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Jedi Battlefield

Dark Begger

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Hey guys, there's a new site up, complete with maps, skins, JK2 sabering tips, JK2 CTF tips, and information on tournaments and clan matches. It's http://www.jedibattlefield.com ...it's a damn nice site, created by the top clans in JK2 competition today, Valar, Dsbr, SofD, NCG, TKAnti-Clan...


Come check it out, it's got the latest maps and all...


Plus there's a tourny starting up, with first place winning some cash, it's probably going to be 3v3 or 4v4 tournament CTF. If ya want more details come check it out!

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since when did I gain a reputation of such authority and 1337ness? lol...you should open your clan to our forums there. ArtifeX goes over there and we help him fine tune his mod with changes we think will help the competition aspect of the game. There is a thread named ProMod there. go check it out.


oh, and the difference between this ProMod thread and that one is it is not all:


"wow great mod! it was so much fun! everyone download it."


it is more like:


"cool mod, but I don't think you should do this..and do this.. as compared with JK2++, this seems easier, and...etc..etc.."

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oh and as for promod on other ladders, Dragon, from team Valar, is a twl admin, and working out the bugs in the Mod first. He is taking it into heavy consideration.


Basically, if you read the thread over there, it is almost a match between JK2++ (Rage's Mod) and ProMod...they compare and contrast, and see which is better.

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I have gone to that forum and posted my thoughts. I am sorry but I do not like JK++. I will not join any ladders if that is the system they choose to adopt. Medium one hit kill? That just stupid, might as well remove Heavy stance and replace it with a sign that reads "kill my slow retarded ass"

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Originally posted by Dark Begger

that's what I said (if you read the posts, you would see I was complaining about medium/heavy in JK2++), but it seems deadly against gunners in CTF>


I like an idea that was suggested to Arti. Make Saber more powerful when used on players not carrying a saber. That way you still get the Saber v Guns balance, and you can keep Saber v Saber difficulty and balance.


Besides if you are holding a gun you have no defense against a saber up close and thus SHOULD be an easy kill for anyone you allow close enough to slice you.


Then again the best CTF is played with Sabers, explosives, snipers, and E-11's only. All the other guns will always have an advantage over sabers in the hands of an experienced gunner.


Do you really think Luke S. would have defeated the empire if storm troopers could move like Jedi and all had missle launchers?

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That's true, a jedi with a flechette will destroy a jedi with a light saber. If you think about it, this is not wrong, it's true! The light saber is a deadly weapon, but I do think a missle launcher held by a Jedi will be able to defeat a jedi with a lightsaber.



As for saber vs saber combat, I like high damage, it makes the duels fast and more suspenseful. You could die at anytime. instead of being able to take hits and gettign one big heavy hit off.

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Originally posted by Dark Begger

That's true, a jedi with a flechette will destroy a jedi with a light saber. If you think about it, this is not wrong, it's true! The light saber is a deadly weapon, but I do think a missle launcher held by a Jedi will be able to defeat a jedi with a lightsaber.


Bet we won't see this in a movie anytime soon! lol



As for saber vs saber combat, I like high damage, it makes the duels fast and more suspenseful. You could die at anytime. instead of being able to take hits and gettign one big heavy hit off. [/b]


I like it too but you should be able to take any hit and live except for a direct overhead chop form heavy, because it actually hit twice. If its too many one hit kills, then you don't get a chance to feel out your enemy. Think back to 1.02 and remember how many duels you one AFTER taking the first hit?


Also in ProMod you can't take a hit in order to give one, because 90% of the time your saber stops mid swing if you are hit directly.

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might as well remove Heavy stance and replace it with a sign that reads "kill my slow retarded ass"


Someone could always make all the styles the same animation speed. The only reason Red is slow anyways is because of it's strength.


Personally I would love to see someone do this. That way each style is just that, a style. I mean a lightsaber doesn't have any weight to it, so no style should be slower than another, with the exception of the complexity of it's moves.


Then the damage could be the same, dependent on where and how good your hit is.


This is only my opinion, so please don't flame me.

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wow, I was expecting this thread to be moved before getting front page action on JKii.net. Thanks for the publicity! I'll be sure to keep you updated on any tournament news or ladder news. But you could always just check out the site every now and then yourself. ;)

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lol..no one would understand it unless they were here around the beginning of 1.03 all the way to 1.04.


Basically it's talking about a guy we all called Superman (-=SSC=-Kal_El or something like that)...


He used to flame everyone on here..it was hilarious..nto really flame, but poke fun at. And then I forget about the cry me a river part..but whatever. don't have the energy to change it.

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