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(WIP) Jay's ESB Yoda!!


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I am almost done the face but I need someone to post the pic for me. This is not another "Jabba the Hutt Model" thread, I'm really doing it and I must say it's turning out quite well for 1 days work and my second skin.


The only way I can send the pic is through MSN Messenger, so anyone who would like to post the pic for me, my email is :




Oh, and I didnt actually get permission to use Kinja's model but I think once he sees this, he'll be quite happy with it.



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good idea. will do. You'll notice thats kinda what i was going for with his cheekbones and upper brow (highlights kinda make him look like he has a cold sweat.


I'll work on it more tomorrow and will have updates in the evening.



Keep those comments coming!

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Yeah dont worry kman it'll have a different folder name. And Grafox, I didnt know who made the original skin, so I couldnt give Arco his due respect.


This is not entirely "my" skin, it is based on the default yoda skin by Arco. It is not my intention to copy his work and the shots I have posted are WIP and do not represent final quality. I am not out to rip off Arco's skin in any way. This is only my second skin and I needed something as a guideline. Sorry for any misconceptions or mistunderstanding.


Thank you once again to ALL members of Team Yoda for this great model and skin.

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