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WIP: Robed Jedi Rodian


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Well.. I have always been using the rodian model and the blue robed tyrion model and i thought to myself just now.. Man i want a robed jedi rodian because it would ownzor all. So i have some refernce pics hat i will post here.


1. http://www.artoosnews.com/artooscustoms/imagearchive/images/characters/episode1/rodiam_senator.jpg

2. http://wso.williams.edu/~rfoxwell/starwars/TPM/pubpics/AnakinWaldPub.jpg

3. http://starwars.com/episode-i/snapshot/2000/11/snapshot20001115.html

4. http://starwars.com/episode-i/snapshot/2000/01/snapshot20000125.html


I need some help to do so. Maybe someone else will want to help as i know i am getting help from Musashi12. Or at least i believe that is his forum name as i have only talked to him in my clan server. Please let me know if you would like to help.


BTW more refernce pics fwould be great to see as the ones i posted there are about all i could really find. Any other really nice pics showing the geatures of a rodian would be very helpful thxu.

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This skin is gonna own the Yoda Model aka Shrek off its butt... just you see. If you look at all the skins in the game rodian is no doubt the funniest as well as the greatest of them all.


I cant wait till we get started on this skin. Hes gonna OwnZoR every other model / reskin made. Well.. every model owns every reskin made. Reskins blow :D

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Yeah, I talked with cyris last night about the robed Rodian. Yeah I am interested in doing the model. But am extremely hard pressed for time. I am working on the ROTJ mod, I am pretty sure I am only modeler currently assigned on the team.


So what I am saying is, If anybody is willing to team up with me on this project let me know.

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We need some extra helpers on this Robed Jedi Rodian model and i was wondering if anyone else wanted to hop on for the trip :p. we need more ppl to work on this model as Musashi is working on his ROTJ SP mod. Please help us out.

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Hmph... im not sure on that one.. I really have NOOOOOOOO clue how to make a custom rodian sound 1) because i dont speak fluent rodian (only a little) and if ya wanna learn go to http://lrrc3.plc.upenn.edu/popcult/wavfiles/Starwarz/GREEDO/RODIAN.HTM and 2) they have the most fooked up voices ive ever heard. Maybe a Greedo clip or just use the rodian model sounds that JK2 already has.

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Originally posted by Cyris

Well.. I thought about that... and then i thought about how much reskins blow nuts so i think we will try to remodel the head since i cant stand reskins and they dig at me under the skin.

but... the rodian head is perfect. :confused:

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Yesh true... but how the hell am i supposed to rip his head off and put it on my model. I dunno if that can be done but im not as experienced as Musashi is so maybe he knows if you can do it or not. YOur right tho.. the head is perfect.. its just that its not w reskin :rolleyes:

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Yousa smart boy. Yea we are gonna use his head cause hes such a cute little rodian :) Well... WE STILL NEED HELP so anyone with a modeling skill who can help out please do as Musashi is very busy doing his RotJ conversion.

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