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How do I add Forcefields?


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I am working on a curret level to requires a forcefield. The room that needs it is a hanger/bay.. and it has a door opening looking out into space... but i dont want people running outside into space... so i will need a force field of some sort to block it off... something tranparent so u can still see the skybox... its also a skybox that emites light... will a transparent brush effect the way it lights the bay at all?

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Use either the r_forcfield(red) shader or b_forcefield(blue) shaders. They are quite tricky to find (Use a search - unless someone can remember what directory they're under) as they are just tiny squares in the texture window and you will probably need to add lights. I am using a different shader (energy) but while you can see through it, it blocks the light from the sky shader I am using.



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Think about that for a second, ,Cat. Would YOU build a hanger with a glass door?

There's another shader you can use as well, in the Doomgiver texture set. [Forcefield] I think it's called...


Oh, another thing Cat... You MAY want to mention that your func_wall is a SP feature - not MP. For an MP map you just construct it like you would for glass, only using a diff texture.

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