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Topless Padme Model!!!


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You must be deeply disturbbed to even post such a suggestion. And everyone who went along with it is just sick. Apparently you are just pathetic fools who give star wars fans and gamers a bad name because all you do is sit around and obsess over attractive young women in films and then wish how you could make a topless 3-D model of them for a video game. If you get off on a 3-d pixellated figure who is topless with a jpeg texture of a feminine chest, you are truely pathetic and possibly are in need of mental help as well. My suggestion: get a girlfriend, go out, have fun with a REAL person and maybe you will feel differently and will no longer obsess over 3-D rendered images in a computer of a person that most likely if you met in person, you would be ashamed to even think about doing such a thing. That is all...Good day.

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Originally posted by BoL_Stryke

You must be deeply disturbbed to even post such a suggestion. And everyone who went along with it is just sick. Apparently you are just pathetic fools who give star wars fans and gamers a bad name because all you do is sit around and obsess over attractive young women in films and then wish how you could make a topless 3-D model of them for a video game. If you get off on a 3-d pixellated figure who is topless with a jpeg texture of a feminine chest, you are truely pathetic and possibly are in need of mental help as well. My suggestion: get a girlfriend, go out, have fun with a REAL person and maybe you will feel differently and will no longer obsess over 3-D rendered images in a computer of a person that most likely if you met in person, you would be ashamed to even think about doing such a thing. That is all...Good day.


I was just thinking the excact same thing.

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Originally posted by BoL_Stryke

You must be deeply disturbbed to even post such a suggestion. And everyone who went along with it is just sick. Apparently you are just pathetic fools who give star wars fans and gamers a bad name because all you do is sit around and obsess over attractive young women in films and then wish how you could make a topless 3-D model of them for a video game. If you get off on a 3-d pixellated figure who is topless with a jpeg texture of a feminine chest, you are truely pathetic and possibly are in need of mental help as well. My suggestion: get a girlfriend, go out, have fun with a REAL person and maybe you will feel differently and will no longer obsess over 3-D rendered images in a computer of a person that most likely if you met in person, you would be ashamed to even think about doing such a thing. That is all...Good day.


To each his own, I think of a nekkid 3D render as I do with hentai - it's some sort of sexual deviance, you might not like it but to each his own, heck, some people like it when someone takes a dump on their chests! (Having said that - eew!@#)


And about that girlfriend\life\social interaction thing - you people assume too much about other people's social and sexual lives. I personally think it's disgusting to patronize people you know nothing of, and just by stating that you think they should all "get a girlfriend" and "have fun with real people" is down right stupid. Stereo-typing people over the internet is so ****ing low and inaccurate, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

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Originally posted by superdude201

Why would anyone want to make a topless padme. And y did someone even make a naked jan? Its sick.



wasn't it absath or bloodriot that did that, I forget which one. He was had already done it, because he was playing around with skintones and seeing if he could make skin look good if I remember correctly. Someone took it and put lingerie on it for a map too.

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Its the thought that counts! Can you ever have naked Natalie Portman and Jan kiss in real life!? No! And no you can't so dont say yes you could. And its not getting off its entertainment, like you playing JKII is because you cant be a real Jedi so you play JKII to take you away just like I use Natalie Portman kissing Jan( Yes there are better looking wome than Jan) to take me away, its entertainment not stimulation.

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Frankly, if it's so pathetic, why are you even posting in this thread? If it's so pathetic, why is it even worth your notice? Or are you yourself so pathetic as to have nothing better to do than roam around internet forums and criticise other people?


Now, having said that, let me also say that I have the Jane (naked Jan model). Why you ask? Well, I just find it rather amusing to see a naked woman running around with a lightsaber. It's gotten old now, but I still get a laugh out of it every now and then.


But really, what so wrong about it? So what if someone wants a topless (or nude) Padme model? At the very least it's a fun novelty. At the most it's the vehicle of someone's depraved sexual fantasies. Either way, does it really matter? I mean, should you even care what a person does with their JKII or wants to do?


(I really don't know why I posted here. This isn't about modelling. I'm not a modeller. I'm not talking about a model. Geez, I need to get away from here.)

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