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Key mappings: What is your strategy?


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How do people setup thier controls? I use:


mouse for aiming

mouse button 1 for primary fire

mouse button 2 for (middle) for switching saber styles

mouse button 3 for secondary fire


mouse wheel for switching weapons



8 = forward

5 = back

4 = strafe left

6 = strafe right

Enter = jump

.(DEL) = crouch

0(INS) = Use

/ = next force power

* = use current force power

+ = next item


Main keyboard:

PGDN = saber

PGUP = Force Speed

Enter = Use Item



I have been playing around with trying to use different keys for force powers, but I am not sure what to do at this point.


Anyone have a different method that works really well for them?



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I use these:


End= Jump

Pgdn= Use Item

Del= Crouch

Ins= Turns off the saber

Hm= Saberstyle

Pgup= Force Speed


Up Arrow= Move forward

Down Arrow= Move back

Left Arrow= Step left

Right Arrow= Step right



1= Force push

4= Force pull

7= Force grip

5= Force lightining

3= Mind control


Main Key's

Enter= Heal

B= Bacta

[= Scroll through items

]- Scroll through items

\= Use item

M= Infared goggles

G= Electrobenacular goggles



Right Button= Main use

Left Button= Alt use

Wheel= Scroll weapons


These have worked for me and I am use to them so I don't if it will work for you.


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i'm mostly a rts player. so my keys are probably not the most efficient. but it works for me.

insert=use current force

home=force push

page up=force grip

page down=turn right

delete=trun left


space=use (for switches)

keypad 0=crouch

keypad 1=lightsaber

keypad 4=pull

keypad 2=mind trick

arrow left=strafe left

arrow right=strafe right

mouse wheel(scrolling)=cycle weapons

mouse wheel(pressed)=force heal

the rest are just the game's default.

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Everyboby has a weird style so it all good if you can use it to play a game. When I go over to my friends I change the buttons cause I'm use to my style not other people. I hate to have to go around the keyboard looking for buttons when they can be so close.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've just put the force commands down at the main part of the keyboard. Works great for me.





M-Mind Trick










I use the standard WSAD buttons to move, so i can reach all the force powers with the left thumb or the "second finger" (dunno what its called :D)


And when i got the F-buttons free, i am now using them for NPC spawning in SP, and binds in MP.

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Just had an inspiration last night :-) and now am trying out a new key-layout:



W - forward

A - left

S - back

D - right

Spacebar - jump

Shift - crouch

Ctrl - walk



Left button - primary fire

Right button - secondary

Mouse wheel - Saber style (although may change to weapon select, if I can click the mouse wheel without rotating it ;-> )



F - Pull

E - Push (e= expel)

R - Grip (r=root in place)

Q - Speed (q= quick)

Z - Mind trick (makes 'em go zzzz)

C - Lightning

F5 - Force heal

X - drain (= to niX their powers)

V - absorb (next to Lightning, as antidote to it)



B - Bacta

T - Use (since you don't usually "use" when fighting)


Number keys: weapons


But now I see Lionen's key config, and I'm so impressed I might try out his :-)

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Originally posted by Lionen

the "second finger" (dunno what its called :D)


Index Finger.:p



This is my ultimate config:


W,A,S,D - Movement

Q - Push

E - Pull

R - Grip

T - Lightning

Y - Drain (or Rage) (MultiPlayer)

Z - Speed

X - Mind trick

C - Heal

V - Absorb (MultiPlayer)

B - Protect (MultiPlayer)


SHIFT - crouch


MOUSE1 (left) - Attack

MOUSE2 (right) - Jump

MOUSE3 (middle) - Alt Attack (Saber throw)

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