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My new custom saber

Darth Stryke

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This is my new custom saber that I have been working on recently. I started off making a personal hilt just for my use, but as a few people have expressed interest in it, I am considering releasing it. Basically I took idea from obi-wan's saber and Qui-gon's saber and then made the grip cut out like a rectangle that andgles downward into a point of a triangle. Belt clip is on opposite side near the bottom. Feel free to make comments/suggestions, although since it is a personal saber I do not really plan on changing it much because I like it now, just perhaps a bit more colorful...


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Originally posted by SithMaster01

looks alright but I have to say I personally hate it


That's a pretty bizarre reply. Here's the definition of hate:


hate - To feel hostility or animosity toward.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I think you probably don't feel hostility or animosity toward that saber ;) Perhaps "I don't particularly like it" or "It's not my cup of tea" would be a better response :)


Anywho, I like it :)





I'm off to spread my unique brand of anal English Lessons wherever they are needed most! :D

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Thanks for the responses guys-about hating it, thats cool-I asked for responses and opinions and he gave his, honestly and openly, nothing wrong with that, his opinion is different than maybe someone else's, but its cool. More to come on this saber soon, I think the only thing ill do is change the ring under the emitter to a gold color and make the buttons copperish or some other reddish tone, at least the main activator.

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Well, new milkshape pics-the ugly yellow color will be gold (if I can get gold to work right :D) and the red is copper. Any ideas on coloration or new comments, as always are appreciated.









--EDIT-- I have a small problem, whenever I try to run MD3 viewer from the official SDK it always worked before, but recently I get an error when I click on it to start it up "failed on wglCreateContext( HDC hdc )" . I can not finish any more sabers until this problem is solved and I have re-downloaded the tools to no avail. HELP!

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If you want to go for total realism which you probley wont, you could add uh a belt clip thingy to the base of the hilt.


Very nice model B.T.W.


Do you use milkshape to unwrap? I'm trying to find a easy way to uvmap/unwrapp.. Cant seem to find anyone help around these forums:D So im just messing around with 3DS Max in my spare time, and i've got my hilt unwrapped but cant get the texture wrapped back around the model... Does milkshape do that for ya?

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