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Anchorhead WIP Screnshots


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Thanks Andy867


That's just a TINY little teaser - there's so much more to this map.

I'm currently working on refining a couple of locations that I've kinda left blank at the moment (i.e. just made a empty space/room) for them -


TIP: I always design my levels on paper first before spending time building them so as not to waste time building stuff I don't need/have to change later.


Enjoy the pix.



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Ah.... But It's all new...


rebuilt from scratch -


plus I sent in about 20 pix to Andy867 showing of the other areas in the level including the all new Sentinel Assault Shuttle and inside the Red Team Base and the cantina/bar.


As a note for people complaining about the speed of the level not being fast enough for MP, I have added lots of area portals and currently the level runs fine with 6 bots (probably more, I just havn't added) on my Win XP P4 1.3 Geforce 2 machine. Mind you map is only at 45% complete/rebuilt.

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Er... It's just very rough (The Bar That is) at the moment but it does have ceiling fans and a jukebox type thing +music (Temp - will make a better one in a bit).

A few tables and seats.


Will promise to make it very cool by the time this map is done.


Which reminds me - Does anyone know if thre's a way you can force players in MP to only use certain weapons in certain rooms?


Or can someone script me something similar please?



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O.K. Everyone, just uploading 39 or so pics to an FTP server

so once that's done and I can get access for you lot sorted out, you'll be able to have a better idea of just what's going on with the new version of this map.


Hope to have access previlages sorted by end of today - keep your fingers crossed!



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