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Jedi / Bounty Hunter Contest


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The Star Wars Galaxies Chamber project is having a contest to promote the announcement that they will be featuring two new areas devoted to the professions of Bounty Hunter and Jedi Knight once the game is released.

These two areas will feature information focused soley on how to attain thease professions and how to meet the unique challenges of excelling in ether role.


The Contest

The contest winner will be invited to create an online chronicle of their journey from a beginning player to either jedi or bounty hunter. The winner will be expected to make at least a weekly journal entry, detailing their exploits and pursuits toward meeting their goal. If at any time you decide that you can no longer commit to at least 1 entry per week, you can step down and walk away, no questions asked. If you would prefer, you can start journal entires before the release of the game.



- Legal copy of the game

- Commitment to at least 1 article per week (after release)

- Screenshots to accompany each article (which can be emailed to the Chamber Project)

- Contest Application (see below)


Additional Notes

If you like, you can continue your entries after you attain your goal, and chronicle your adventures

All journal entries will be web based, you will not be required to install any additional software.

Contestants are not limited to US players, UK and Euro players are welcome to submit entries.

You can be a member of any PA, faction, speices (given that they can attain to either profession), or affiliation.



If you are interested in having your story published online, contact Spacebutler@vdsolutions.com with the information below:


Name: (real or intended game alias)

Email address

Location (state, country, city is optional, no

zip or street addresses please)

Preferred species (as many as apply)

A written statement detailing why you want your story put online.

(you can also submit your entry at our message board at


Finalists will be notified via email as soon as we have a suffcient number of candidates, upon which time we will choose a winner for each category and notify the 2 winners.

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first of all, welcome to the lucas forums SWG board, please try to have some idea of what is going on before promoting something like this :(


you are aware that to become force sensitive is compleatly random, and that once you become sensitive there will probably diffrent ways to train up to the jedi status?


and Bounty hunting will just be an elite class, there probably won't be anything to fancy to be one, preaty much just hard work, who knows they might even provide info on the preresquisites of being BH

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yeah, I'm aware and I understand your reasoning.. but we are still going to go through with it. The first part of the chronicle will be the discovery process. It won't apply to everyone, but it would be interesting to have a documeted journey of one person struggle if they should make it. If they don't, well.. they don't. But it's random like you said, so you never know if at some point *poof* they may get it. People look at the random element & they immediatly think slim to nil, but no one knows the exact odds. So everyone has their theoretical chance. One person is no better than another.


As for bounty hunting, it will basically be a chronicle of their toils to attain the pre-requisites to reach bounty hunter status.


You see what I don't want a blow by blow retelling because frankly, that's boring. I want more of a capsule of 1 week's activities like: Monday I went to X place for the first time with my friends, saw this creature, accolimshed this goal. Wednesday I met the coolest people in this cantina in Mos Eisley, we kicked it for a few hours and this guy told this hilarious story about how his mom caught him & his gf. No different from what we already litter countless forums & boards with. Think during a week, the places you go, the hunts, the missions, the people you meet, bars, sights, etc... everything new and for the first time. That's what we want to capture. And this person(hopefully) will have a goal to reach, so it will be sort of a 'web reallity show in print type thing'.. I'm not sure how to classify it. I'm sure documentary is a sufficient term, but that, as the media types say. isn't "sexy" :rolleyes:


So no, I'm not trying to say "watch as Spaceg00ber456 becomes a Jedi in record time'. And I'm aware of the prerequisites (however vague they may be) I'm saying, this will be the story of 'Spacegoober456 as he tries find out how he will become a Jedi' (because he very well may not) or this is the story of whomever as they try to reach bounty hunter status (and they may succed or fail as well), but they will still have journeys and tales and 'war stories' like the rest of us will, theirs will just be in print.


It basically combines journalism and role play into a single element. Given the nature of SW fans & RPGers to role play & write obscenely long stories about it (not to mention it will be based on real life events instead of fiction), I thought it might catch on.. but I guess I didn't explain it well enough.


I'm trying to be as equally neutral (yet thorough) in my response as your initial remark was intended, so I ask the same understanding you asked of me . :cool: I've seen the threads you refer to, but I largely ignore them so perhaps my tolerance for teh subject is a little higher.

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well if you let say, 10 people try to be jedi and write documentaries about their life then you have relativly even odds of one of them having succsess... and the reason that i have such low tolerance for jedi thread is that they are mostly static reflecting the lack of information about jedi, so it has been months of people with only a few posts coming and saying that they're going to be jedi when they get the game and me and a few of the regulars trying to inform them about how the devs said the system will work:rolleyes: nothing personal

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Well, for the sake of over saturation it would be 2 max.. but it's not about whether they make it or not, it's about what they see & do along the way.


There will be some who may be can't get the game right away but still read the forums & such. A week by week journal may be the closest they get to actual in-game aside from screenshots from the official site. I mean I don't expect the majority of people who will play to put it all in print.


But the Jedi/BH thing, it's just a hook. A theme. A backdrop. I personally would let anybody write about any profession weekly if they wanted, but I don't see as much hype over farming or crafting so I, being the sell out pitch guy that I have chosen to be, opted to sell out & market to the fanatics on the far end. Just trying to improve my odds of response, that's all.


So to clear it up, I am not one of the Legions of the "I WILL be a Jedi" or "I WILL be a Bounty Hunter" contingent. (I personally am undecided & probably wont know until I go into the char creation area) I'm just providing an outlet for them :D

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