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Bumps and hills?


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I've completely forgotten the name of the tool you use (haven't actually mapped for 2 months), but look under the tools menu of GTKradiant and theres a tool that creates terrain and rock-wall type shapes...be warned, it's pretty intensive hardware-wise.

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For more minor bumps/hills, I just use patch meshes- if you use JKRadiant, (I've heard about GtkRadiant, but don't use it, is it good?) it's right there in the curves menu, and it's good for the simple bumps that I usually use... although it takes a while to do.

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Same problem. I can't compile a map with a mesh by easygen. Well i hate win2k cuz it doesnt show the progress of compiling with jk2radiant. So im unable to see where it gives errors.


It's gonna be a pain unless someone figures out how to use it in jk2radiant.

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MY map compile's fine...and i have a 9,000 x 6,000 terrain mesh done with easygen...only takes me about 1 minute...


My problem is that When I go to load it in game.... and type in

map Impex, it says cannot find the file.....


Although, on the other hand, Gensurf doesn't make my terrain BIG enough, but, it does compile and loads a backyard sized terrain in game....lol..

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after you are done with the compile..... i dunno if you have done this but make the text window really tall and you can see the compile results (may need to scroll up some)


you type sv_pure 0 first? people might forgetfully bypass this step but it can make the difference between load and error.

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Its good but easygen makes it so it doesn't update the bsp and compile properly cause i was using it to kind of have a bit where there was a tusken raider camp in the middle but cause it stops it from compiling i'll have to scrap it. Does anyone know where to download gensurf even if its a plugin?

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I really didnt understand easygen at all.


When i want to export it as map file. What the heck is common/caulk ?


what is common/terrain ?


it creates a shader in the scripts folder. How bright is that.

I cant change the directory. And it doesnt use the textures in the shader. I have to change to shaders names in the shader file.


I really need a tutorial :D

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Originally posted by Wes Marrakesh


after you are done with the compile..... i dunno if you have done this but make the text window really tall and you can see the compile results (may need to scroll up some)


you type sv_pure 0 first? people might forgetfully bypass this step but it can make the difference between load and error.



No there's no text :D


I just see the first command and its all. Nothing sliding. No other text. I hate win2k sometimes :D


EDIT: I can compile when i get the mesh ungrouped. However i still need to edit the shader file to get textures work.

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I had the problem not to see the end results of compiling process. But it is only with JK2Radiant, because GtkRadiant's compiling script will make a text file with the results. If I remember it's junk.txt in the TEMP folder.


With JK2Radiant you should use an own made batch file like the the following. Say that your JK2 tools are in the folder C:\Tools, and your map is in folder C:\JK2\Gamedata\base\maps. Of course you must change these in your version. :)


C:\Tools\sof2map -bsp C:\JK2\GameData\base\maps\mymap.map >C:\Tools\result.txt

C:\Tools\sof2map -vis C:\JK2\GameData\base\maps\mymap.map >>C:\Tools\result.txt

C:\Tools\sof2map -light C:\JK2\GameData\base\maps\mymap.map >>C:\Tools\result.txt


This example is based on the GtkRadiant Script and makes the same result as Bsp Fullvis. So, you save this as mymap.bat or something like that, and run it every time, you need to know what the compiling result is.


I hope it helped a bit. :)

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Unknown surfaceparm: "nolightmap" processing textures/deneme/terrain_0

Unknown surfaceparm: "nolightmap" processing textures/deneme/terrain_1

Unknown surfaceparm: "nolightmap" processing textures/deneme/terrain_0to1

Unknown surfaceparm: "nolightmap" processing textures/deneme/vxterrain

Loading map file d:/jk2/gamedata//base/maps/easygen.map

entering d:/jk2/gamedata//base/maps/easygen.map

WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/common/terrain


These are the error messages when i try to compile a .map file created by easygen. I place the shader file which easygen made to the shaders folder.


The mesh (its not a real mesh thou) is a func_group with some key and values like shader, alphamap.


When check one of the triangles of the ground it says "\common\terrain\" There's no section which defines that in the shader file. They are "\common\terrain_0", "\common\terrain_1", "\common\vxterrain" ans such.


Easygen is not for jk2radient. I can get it to work if i ungroup the whole terrain and set the top texture myself.


it cant even open the alphamap file(.pcx) while the compile process. Can't create the .bsp file.

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