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Aleena Model - Ratts Tyrell


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Hiya Everybody!


(I'm from Spain, don't blame my spelling, please! :)


First Post, First model for me....


It's been a while since Tchouky released his "shrink" mod in which we could resize models for a wider variety of gameplay. We all waited for Yoda ( :yoda: ) (and it was worth it), but no more midget models have been released, with the sole exception of the Jawa ( :jawa )(is it still WIP?). I've read in some threads about a younger Anakin( :anakin: ) (from EP1), but no more. I've decided to make an Aleena buddy (the one in the podrace, the blue-ish that gets killed inside the cave). It's fun to watch it in the movie (did you see his wife crying at the end of the race?). You even see one of those in Ep2.


Returning to the main point, i've started with the head, which i have modelled from a drawing i made time ago. This is my first attempt at making a model (apart from a Millhouse VanHouten from the Simpsons, but that was crappy). Please send thoughts and comments, and if anyone of you can skin, maybe you can help me finishing the model.


The URL for the first screenies:






- Rekked -

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Thanks for the reply, man!


I'll stick with your advise, i'll try to detail the eye; Right now i'm working the torso and tummy... i hope that for tomorrow (saturday) afternoon i can show you some shots of an unlegged and unarmed aleena.

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Yes, Brad Fu, all the scenes in Ep1 in which Aleena appear are related.


The first one is the one you mentioned, in which Tyrell's family arrive at Tatooine, and are having a look at Mos Espa as tourists. The second one (the one included in the DVD), Ratts and his family are introduced. Then Ratts dies in the race, and then later, when Qui-Gonn and Watto are discusing about the bet, Ratts family walk by at the background, crying. I remember having heard Rick McAllum that this was Lucas' idea to insert small stories in the movie... which rocks.


Anyway, back to work, i hope to get the aleena body for this afternoon!

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Ok, i've done the little update i promessed.


Only the higher part of the torso don, but as i am now studying i can't do much. I've donde a little skin too, but it looks crappy (it's my first attempt at skinning), and as it is not going to be a incredible mesh, i'll need a good skinner so as to make it worth downloading for the community.



About the taunts...


I've been watching TPM and Ep2 lately, and the only things that come out of any aleena is an awful sound close to what a long burp sounds like if you speed it up.

:eek: :eek: :eek:


I'll try to look for any sound from the aleena character in Ep1 Racing game, ill have a look also to the 3d model so as to see how a 3d aleena looks like. Thanks for the idea, and if anybody wants to help, he/she is welcome... (I may be repeting myself...)


:evanpiel::ewok::jawa <- Midget rocks!

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yes, this is the last thing to do but...


Kn1ves, i checked the taunts for Ratts Tyerell in Ep1 Racer, they are not what I expected, but anyway, i uploaded them to the geocities site ( http://www.geocities.com/aleena_model ) in mp3 format for all of you to hear... and comment (hey, there have been 6 posts and 3 are mine!!! :D :D :D )


well.. i'll get back to work so that the aleena model gets finished before new years eve!

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3rd update today, guys... please write in!


Torso finished, taunts uploaded, and a question for you expert modelers...


Is it good to use mesh smooth in gmax?


i like to use it - makes my meshes look cool when they are crappy, but i've read out there that it isn't good to use, but haven't heard why... is it possible that someone PM's me to explain me these? anyway i guess i'll start a thread out there...


more info on the mesh... right now it's about 450 polys... so there's plenty of room for details, although arms and legas are missing... i'm going to have to check the eyes and neck as some of you did.


The URL of the web page is: http://www.geocities.com/aleena_model/

The URL for the last screenshot is:



Comments, please!!!

:cry7: :cry7: :cry7:

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Looking good :)


For the meshsmooth, I've also heard it's not a good idea, but I use it anyway. In some cases, without any iterations so it doesn't up the poly count any.


For the skin, I wouldn't worry about making it look good right now, wait till you can view it in ModView. GMax doesn't have any render options, and the Perspective view doesn't give you a very good idea of what the skin actually looks like.

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another little update on the little b*st*rd... I just modified the eyes and jaws for more realism... the end of its cheeks are no longer allied with the rest of the face, something which i should have modified earlier. Still, the polycount is very low, so i'd like you guys to tell me where should i focus my efforts. The update is at:




Send in your thoughts!

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I just finished doing the arm for the poor little b*st*rd, but i started from a new different mesh (a cilinder). Like I said in my first post, i am new to modelling in gMax and i don't know how to put together the arm and teh shoulder. If somone could PM and tell me how to do it it would be of great help. Thanks in advance.


If this is solved, i think the hole model could be ready to skin in a couple of days...

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Just wanted to say that the arm is done...


...It was done saturday night, and attached to the shoulder, but it just didn't look right, so i remodelled another arm today and it looks better, the only thing is that i have to make surgery and implant it to my blue-ish buddy... :D :D :D


Also, i've done some concept art of an Aleena Jedi (haven't got a name for it yet), which will be my next project (if i ever finsh the first). I hope i can upload the pic tomorrow for you guys to see. Also, i will upload the arm attached to the torso, and (if everything goes ok) i may start the legs.

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hey nice model but just one question is he really a jedi?

if not maybe u can try to make other small children that yoda was teaching in EP II in one of the scenes in the jedi temple, the one where obiwan wanted to ask yoda about the lost planet Kamino and yoda says, "Lost a planet, Mater ObiWan has, how embarassing, how embarassing..."

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Yeah, that'll be cool. :) :)


Not only the padawans, i think that every alien model made by us should go with jedi/sith robes to make unique characters for us to use. I will be releasing the basic Aleena model, and as long as its worth it, i will modify it to make a Jedi/Sith Aleena, and then re-release it.




:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Sorry, no release date.


My exams are begining next monday... studying hard for them.

Basically, the main problem is that this is my first model ever. In a few days (hopefully), the model will be finished and ready for exporting, but i want to do things the right way, and it's going to take me some time. Then I'll give it to mariners for a wonderfull skin (if any of you want to try, you're welcome...), and after some beta testing, it'll be out.


How much time is that? My exams are begining on monday, and after that, there's two weeks of almost no activity for me. I hope i get it to mariners before sunday, so that in those two weeks the aleena gets skinned. So expect mid-september for the model. I know it's ****ty, i wish i had started modelling it before (i had the concept art, which i will upload completely sometime, done in early july).


Anyway, guys, thanks for the constant feedback and support

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