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Making mod that will make saber fighst realistic to movies


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I'm starting to make a mod for Jedi Knight 2 that would balance out the saber fighting as well as make it more realistic to the movies. We're also gonna add maps of fight scenes from the movies and make models of some jedi and sith. We currently have 1 mapper/texturer and 1 coordinator/beta tester. We would like to get a coder and a modeler. So how about it people, anyone interested?

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I would definately love to help, but I'am still but a padawan when it comes to C++, still learning the basics.


However I have some wonderful ideas for such a mod. - Firstly, focus only on saber combat, do not worry about the generic frills like models and levels (NOT THAT THERE NOT IMPORTANT, THEY ARE but for this, concentrate on saber combat code)


- Next get rid of ashes, sparks, and golden pebbles, limit collisions only to the bright white light explosions between sabers (similar to movies).


- Next, reduce jumping, make a full jump or roll immediately take away all force power so it can only be sustained for 2 or possibly 3 seconds (i.e. duel of the fates, and occasional jump to a higher platform).


- Next (this is the hard one) manual blocking, for each type of attack swing there is a specific type of block.


- ** almost impossible option... create a system where swings are governed by the movement of your mouse. defense is the same way. < (If you do this, through some miracle of code... no other mod will EVER come close to the popularity of yours) but alas the largest reward, is buried under the largest challenge.


- Next when jedi are engaged in a duel, their running ability is disabled, the highest speed they will have is a quick walk (true to movies, during a saber battle) this may possibly be governed by radii of combatants, and an initial attack may set it off [this will also make saber hit 'n runs impossible].


- Next create a system, where when one jedi is attacking, the other is defending (the speed is vital here, each jedi should be stepping slowly or at a quick walking speed backward or forward).


- Full parries, defense breaking, collisions (much like ghoul2 on, sabertracesaberfirst off) also ensure instant kills, if a saber goes through any part of the body the opposition should die, BUT, if the saber only 'nicks' the opposition they are only scarred and will only loose health (i.e. g_saberdamagescale 3)


- Finally (this one is really optional, but might be a good idea) the only time the saber is allowed to swing is when it is computed to hit (no one will ever swing there saber in the air)... this will generate movie like jedi battles where no one misses. A swing that is computed to be blocked is acceptable and will happen.


The above is actually one of the keys for *visual* movie success



Well thats it for now. I hope these ideas will give you the ideas, or 'mental tools' needed to craft, and sculpt your mod. As a jediknightii.net staff member you can be sure you have my full support, and I will help with anything I'am able to.


good luck... (you won't need it I'am certain) ;)

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