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Civs/Units - Differences?

Darth Windu

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I was wondering if people would like to see differences in civs and units. Examples of what i mean are-



Naboo - heavily defence oriented

Rebels - heavily infantry based



Republic Artillery - slow, expensive, good range, hp's, low armour

Gungan Artillery - cheap, fast, short range, low hp's, low armour


to be in the possible SW:GB 2?

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Better, I think, to integrate some of the available upgrades directly into some of the units rather than making people research the crap out of everything, then raise the cost and perhaps research time accordingly.


For example, Rebels could have increased armor built into their Level 2 air, and the increased speed and shield built into the Level 3 air. Then, make the air units and their research time more costly in resources and time to compensate. Other minutae like cheaper units and larger bomb holds could still be researched, but I think things like that would make the civs more easily distinguishable, without having to wade through 125 upgrades to take advantage of your civ's strengths.


Of course, part of the problem is the units are so generic in the engine that the civs are going to be about 80% similar anyway, no matter how you tweak it. Also, once such great lengths have been taken to complicate the game :D it would be no easy task to put some of these upgrades INTO the units and still maintain balance.

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Agreed. At the moment there is far too much to research, which takes your attention off pounding your opponent into the ground. I think lucasarts tried what im proposing (ie better troops for rebels, better mech for empire) but the problem is you need to do all of the upgrades in order to see the differences.

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