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A few How Too questions?


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Originally posted by NickR

Add your checking code to G_RunFrame with some sort of time condition if statement, so you can make your checking every so many seconds.




gentity_t *ent;


for (i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++)


ent = level.gentities;

if (ent->slomochecktime <= level.time)


//do your checking here

ent->slomochecktime = level.time + 1000 //1 second




Awesome except, I cant find G_runframe

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:D hmmmm i wouldnt be able to do it(i maybe would but it would take me a while)BUT it can be done all you have to do is make that thing that all those other peole said how to ake,that senses how close someone is,and say if another thing is a certain distance away then make the persons g_speed lower.would g_speed control how fast he attacks and stuff though??if not then also you got to say to slow down all movements(if you dont know how then check out how dark rage works and do the opposite.
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Ok While I was playing a FFA 2day I realized sumpthing, The force power rage has ALL the code written already. it speeds up the animimation speed with this:




However I still cant implement the checking if an opponent is near, If some 1 who does have more expereencie in coding would you please insert the vector substract code into the g_runframe found in G_man.c cause I cant do it THAnks a million if you will!

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Ok man, I (and most likely the rest of the coders on these forums) are happy to explain things and help you out in just about any way we can. With that said, I think there are a few things you need to understand about how these things work. This quote from the Quake3World modifications programming forum FAQ sums it up pretty well:


NOTE: Do not take this as a flame or any other kind of rude response, it's just the facts.




Originally posted on Quake3World Modifications Programming Forum FAQ

Why are the veterans of this forum such a$$holes to newbies?


No one on this forum will be offensive for no reason (with a couple of exceptions ;)). If somebody answers with an abrasive response more often than not it is because the question asked was very vague.


For example:


"I've been playing with the Q3 source for a week now. I made some changes and now whenever I jump Q3 crashes. Anybody know why?"


Of course not. When you ask a question, post as much information as you can about the problem and be very specific about what the problem actually is:


"I've been playing with the Q3 source for a week now. I made some changes and now whenever I jump Q3 crashes. I did a little bit of research and I found that Q3 is crashing in the G_ICrashInHere() function. I've looked through it but I can't see anything wrong.



Can anybody see anything wrong with this block of code? Thankyou."


"Hey. I just got the Q3 source and I want to make a mod. I haven't done any programming before so I was wondering if you guys could tell me how to implement 1. Realistic weapons 2. Realistic Falling damage 3. Sniper scope 4. Survial style gameplay?"


We are not your slaves. That means we are not going to implement features in your mod for you. A better question would have been:


"Hey. I just got the Q3 source and I want to make a mod. I haven't done any programming before but I am eager to learn. Could you point me to some tutorials or guides that might help me learn programming?"


"Does anyone know how to get QVM's to compile under Windows 98 or how to get Q3 to allow more than 16 weapons?"


These questions are in this FAQ. The FAQ is there for a reason. Please read it. Oh... hangon. Nevermind.


So in summary:


  • Be specific
  • Don't expect others to do your work
  • Don't ask questions that have been answered before
  • Most importantly - be polite. And humble - programmers are a queer bunch who like to be constantly reminded how "l33t" they are


Like I said, I'm not trying to bash you or anything, but you seriously can't expect us to code your mod for you.

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Yeah thx man isee and understand where you are coming from, with that said I think I will ask one more wuestion:


Could some one give me mesome pointers on where I should try to learn after I have gone through the basic tutroials listed on the reasource page?


Thanks alot And i once again understand what you are saying and see my extreme stupidity ;)

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These are not quake engine specific, but they deal in ANSI C, C++, and other C variants. They are a great way to learn C in general, which will help your understanding of the JK2 source code a lot.




























There are an insane amount of C coding tutorials on the Web, keep in mind that learning JavaScript, Java, and PHP also help you learn C, as they are variants of the C language.


Heres a kick-a$$ list of free source compilers that a friend found:



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