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W.I.P. - Sasee Tiin


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Sry for the lack of updates...sorta took a break cuz I suck at modeling so much :p . After trying to do hands it made me run away from the model for about a week:mad: . But now I have done the hands and feet in about 10 mins.....I dunno if they are good or not though.


Since last update, I think I've fixed his head some more, put hands and feet, made his long robe tighter on his body, and lowered his chest(not enough it seems though).


Saesee Tiin Body and Head


I still need to add a hood to the back of his robe. Also....I still dunno how to UV map.....I can't get that video to work for me. And another thing is how many polys do I have. How do I see that in 3D Studio Max? I bet I have way over what I need(whats the target I'm going for?). Woops...forgot to make his head bigger as well...do that next update...he has a pretty big head in the pictures of him;) .

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Alright....I'll post pics later i guess. I lowered his chest....the robed part and the shirt part, I moved his eyes further apart, I made his head a little bigger, and I moved his cheeks out and down a little.


OH yeah forgot:p . I moved his shoulders down a bit to aline with where it meets his arms.

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oh...oh...dear me. So I'm guessing all objects - current: (number) for poly is how many polys i have. sniffle. Lets just say I have tons and tons and tons of work. Soooo I just need to go in and start deleting things while trying to maintain the shape of my model?

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I was kinda curious about the polycount of that thing hehe. For one thing, redo the arms (I"m assuming u used cylinders). Make the cylinders sections only 8 or 12 (that's really all you need, looks like you used 24 though or maybe 36). Anyway, you might wanna redo the torso too. The head looks okay though to me (other than the errors that you said you've fixed though).

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I might also try to make Saesee Tiin's saberhilt. He has a really really kewl looking one:D . Of course if there isn't one already made that. If there is....I didn't know:mad: . Oh well...I've modeled saberhilts just never knew how to UV map..but I'll watch that video and try to learn.


Saesee Tiin's saber - Half Way Down the Page.


How many polys should a saberhilt have?



-And before I forget.... How can I add some colors to my model in 3Ds Max? I dunno if it is needed or anything...but I'd like to give him proper colors for pics...so you can see where everythin is.

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:( :( :(


Well I took the things off the ends of the arms. Made the arms two long cylinders. Then I deleted the entire torso and made it one sphere and I'm trying to shape it. That all brings me from 230 thousand something polys to 160 thousand something......argh. How is it possible to attain 3,000?


hummm..checked the polys of the head. YIKES! I'm guessing over 30,000 polys for the head is way too much? I might scrap it and start the head over. Keep the horns and what-not though.

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Eh....I think I'm done for modeling. I obviously dun understand everything there is to be done. Escpecially in the poly area. If anyone wants to start their own Saesee Tiin model..be my guest...mine's going into the crapper!

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I personally thought you Tiin model was great. Don't just q uit modeling. You just need to work with Low Poly, It was hard for me too at first. Are you checking the Faces? Right click on a selected part and select properties and the number of faces is about the polycount. What does that say? Don't quit though, I thought u were good.

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Bleek man, dont give up, I think you really have talent :D My first model looked like total ****, but I've come a long way in just a few months, your first model looks great man, a bit too high on the polys, but that's ok, let me dig up a few links for you that might help you out


edit: Post a wireframe and a flat shaded render of your model, that should give me some idea of where you should go from here.




Powered by Sith :lightning

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Eh...well I didn't build it over a skeleton. I never figured out how to import one. I'll just tell you everything I did -


I made shapes...spheres, cylinders, and the works. Made them one at a time and shaped them into the shape of what I wanted by changing them into editable NURBS. I never deleted any of the faces or whatever they are called. I occasionally added a row or collum. Once I had it all done, I changed them all to editable meshes and then made them all one mesh. Then took a screenshot ;) . Then I CHUNKED IT!!!!....not really I still have it but i doubt I'll ever do anything to it. If I ever(which I probably won't cuz I'm too stupid to model) decide to model again...I'll start something new. I dun really feel like modeling...Like that Plo Koon model and stuff....I dun see how to get rigid edges like that on the clothes and face. Looks so nice:mad: . Make a model that incredibly good with under 3,000 polys...i just can't see how that is possible for me. oh well, enough of my complaining.

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I once thought I was to stupid to model. Max is a very complex program, and it takes a while to get used to. What I do is create primitives or splines with a very low polygon count (you can change the number of segments when they are created), convert to an editable mesh, and then divide and turn edges/ move vertices until I get the shape that I want. Start out simple. By the way what does your last post mean exactly?

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hmm I made a test model earlier, really low poly just to see if I can do it, well and I did it even though it didnt look nice but I got it in game working! once u continue to do more u will improve! doesn't matter if the first one looks bad.


btw I almost made the whole model by moving vertices one by one from basic primitives, is that the only way u can shape something accurately? I used turn edges, bevel, extrude and stuff too, but MOST of the model was made by moving vertices, am I doing something wrong?

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