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I'm new at editing and need some help


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Hi, I started creating my own SP maps and it goes pretty good,

but I have some questions:

*How can I let kyle die (or drain his hp) if he stands on a

particular surface?

*How do you make elevators?


*How do I format maps into a pk3 file, so other players can

use it?

*How do I import my own textures?

*How do I put music in maps?

*How do I make MP maps?

*That's it ( so far )




ps: I'm using jk2radiant.

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You need to make a trigger hurt brush.

Rich covers those in Brushes201 lesson 4.

(to make say an electrified floor im not shure how

big you need to make the hurt brush. perhaps

just so the player's feet touch it perhaps big enough

so that he is actualy inside it. the brush is invisable in the

level when you play it of course... )


If anything in that section of Rich's stuff or anything I just said confused you

then do his General Concepts 101 and 102 all the way though.

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