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WIP Sickle Saber


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Nice changes you made icepool. And I too like the avatar and can't wait for that game to get released! The gold color does balance the texture placement, though the overall color scheme (black and red) make it look like Qui Gon's saber. What if you left the gold and did something crazy like having the saber made of hollowed out wood or something. Maybe hollowed out marble? Why do all sabers have to be made from scrap metal anyway?

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Well after several hours of reading tutorials I have tried for several hours and still fail at skinmapping. So I guess I'm retarded or something. So if anyone knows how to skinmap and make skins and would like to make the skin for this saber let me know either here or at my email at icepool@netzero.net. Also for the hell of it I decided to see if I could get it ingame to test it and after several hours of moving the tags around I realized there was more to the problem when I was saving the file I didnt have the object aligned right with the x,y,z axis. But I finally got it and here are a few pics in game with no skin.


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I didn't know it was possible to orient the blade in another direction. Gives me a load of ideas. I'd help you w/ skinmaping, but I'm up to my eyes in activities. I need to finish the holo palpatine skin, and a model for this other guy that hasn't been online for a while, and I also want to play some music tonight. Oi. Maybe I'll try writing a few steps here in plain english and see if it helps.


First, apply a checker pattern, or some generic material to the WHOLE MESH. You will see appear on the mesh as you follow these steps.



1) Make sure your whole model is an editable mesh

2) Select some faces you want to map (the main cylinder shaft for example)

3) while still in sub-object/face-select mode, apply a UVW Map modifier

4) adjust the modifier to fit around the cylinder (faces) you have selected by using the various radio buttons and X Y Z check boxes

5) apply a UVW unwrap modifier, and hit the edit button under it's rollout

6) you should see a the mesh of the selected faces layed out on a stage for you, move them around, scale them down and move them aside.

7) right click on the mesh, and convert it to an editable mesh. (this just collapses the stack).

8) repeate steps 2 - 7 for the rest of the mesh

9) apply one final UVW unwrap alone and hit the edit button.

10) You should see all your mesh sections layed out there now, arange them in the stage in a nice way, then take a screenshot.

11) get painting.


Hope this helps out.

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Forgot to add that I don't think the modeller controls where the second blade will appear on a double saber. I'm pretty sure it's controlled by code because I tried to ad three active blades to a saber once using 3 tags with the same name, but it only takes the first one created in max and uses that to display the blade. In Icepool's case, I think he's going to have it appear on the side that has no emitter on it. :(

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Originally posted by Psynex

Forgot to add that I don't think the modeller controls where the second blade will appear on a double saber. I'm pretty sure it's controlled by code because I tried to ad three active blades to a saber once using 3 tags with the same name, but it only takes the first one created in max and uses that to display the blade. In Icepool's case, I think he's going to have it appear on the side that has no emitter on it. :(

hmm... i have to admit the dual bladed sickle saber would look very interesting like that.

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Droid Saber is another weapon I designed at the same time as the saber sickle except I have not been able to get the tags right. Im trying to make it so the saber looks attacked the the hand. Eventually if I get it to work I would like to get a skin on it that matches a battledroid perfectly. Heres two pics. Still lots of work to do.;)



Pysnex thanks for the help. I will try this. I seem to have this problem when it comes to reading technical things I have a hard time understanding, but show me how once and I always remember how. As for the second blade yeah its hard coded. But its alligned with the first blade. I also tried to make a boc saber with the two blades on top by adding an extra flash tag but it did not work it made the blade come out all crooked.:mad: So this is definately a coding issue that can only be solved by our coding community if at all possible. But things have happened none of us thought possible so I wont be surprised if in a month or so someone cracks it.

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Originally posted by icepool

Droid Saber is another weapon I designed at the same time as the saber sickle except I have not been able to get the tags right. Im trying to make it so the saber looks attacked the the hand. Eventually if I get it to work I would like to get a skin on it that matches a battledroid perfectly. Heres two pics. Still lots of work to do.;)


a cool thing would be to make the hilt invisible but have the blade come from what appears to be the just the hand.

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Funny you should all mention the claw saber because that is exactly what I was trying to do when I told Icepool that extra tags for more blades doesn't work. HOWEVER, maybe a nice email to a certain Jedimod coder could allow us to name tag blades with a number to allow maybe up to 5. Just for looks of course, they wouldn't actually function because it would kill almost instantly.


Icepool, the best way I can think of to get the saber in line with the hands is to model it, import the model you're designing it for and scale it to the hand and position it how you want it. Place the tag with the long end pointing toward the palm (I think) then delete the model mesh. Move all the objects to X Y Z 0 0 0 and orient them like the original (parent tag 90 degree vertex on 0,0,0 runnin on the x(?) axis). That might help.

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Small update! The sickle saber is gonna take me along time to finish because for some reason I cant quite get the this idea of skin mapping but thanks to psynex I might actually get it. But if anyone knows how to skinmap and skin and would like to skin this saber let me know! I'll send you the file in a second. Not to mention my skinning talent isnt that great and I'd hate to ruin this model with a crapy skin. Also the droid saber was unable to be aligned on the outside hand if you wanted to use twosabers so instead I made it so hes holding it. http://www.geocities.com/darkness_112000/droidsaber1.html

Heres some pics! but the model isnt done I think it needs more detail. It was just a rough idea anyways. If anyone has some unique ideas for saber style weapons let me know and I'll see what I can do. These types of weapons are intended to be used by the bountyhunters and assasins of the starwars universe.

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