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Bug with Jumbeaux LaFeat

Deedle bug

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I have been stuck talking to Jumbeaux LaFeat for a while now. i think there is a bug because he is not telling me anything about the brass hat. Because he won't tell me about the hat, his parrets (drunk or not) won't tell me anything either. This is an impass. I can't get past it. My friends game worked perftectly at this part but mine isn't giving me the proper questions to ask after we establish that Tiny LaFeat was his father. HELP!


Deedle Bug

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i can guess what happened, you were round your friends house when he talked to the toursit and got past this part, so when you got there yourself, you didn't want to talk to the tourist because you didn't think you had to. after i completed the game, i replayed it and did teh same thing, sometimes, the most insignificant things can help you out, if the conversation is too boring, just talk, but hit . or del all the time, that's what i do.

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