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What commands/emotes are there in the game?

/sit -sits do again the stand up

/stand -stands up from sit, typing /sit a second time will do the same thing

/kiss -kisses another player if both of you have your sabers off

/taunt -does the spinning saber taunt

/draw -does a nifty saber drawing move

/nod -nods your head

/shake -shakes your head

/super -strike a superman pose

/thumbsdown -looks like your giving something a thumbs down

/looks -looks around

/flip -twirls your saber

/dest -looks like your typing, possibly coding.

/****y -you point at yourself

/jedi -does something that was for some reason named jedi

/way -shows you the way

/scratch -scratch your head

/dunno -hold your arms out saying you don't know

/power -holds your hand up in the air

/barf -barf all over

/throw1 -throw your saber behind you

/throw2 -throw your saber forwards

/throw3 -throw your saber to the side

/adjust -adjust your saber

/beg -beg for mercy

/kneel -kneel on the ground

/punch -punches only when mod_boxing is 1

/slap -slap someone if they kiss you

/sleep -lay down, you fall when your getting up cause your tired

/spintaunt -do the spinning saber taunt

/bounce -do a pushup thingy sortof

/breakdance -breakdance

/taunt 0-12 -play a taunt sound

/size 0.5 -change your size to 0.5 if mod_clientscale is 1

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