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My Site and sabers


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Well those sabers look really good to me! I have no idea why no one has posted here. I have a question for you. Since your obviously pretty good with modeling sabers I was wondering what you think of this saber I modeled and how I could make it better. Since no one post with any help in my thread either.


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personally i think they look great......just add color and they would look great...by the way...i added two new sabers since this afternoon..that was at 4pm my time....and its now 9:30 pm....i spent about 1 1/2 hours on each one..

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I can help you with getting them in game. That parts pretty easy. Are you using milkshape. Also do you know how to skinmap? If you do, do you think you'd be interested in helping me finish this saber... http://www.geocities.com/darkness_112000/Sicklesaber5.html


Also this is the tutorial I used to get my unfinished saber in game to test it. http://www.massassi.com/coffeestain/03.html If you follow it closely you'll have a saber in game within 5 min.

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Also I forgot to add. You will also need to import the glm file of kyles saber into your game so you can scale down the saber to the correct size. You will also need the tags for the blade and where to grip the saber from that file. I believe on the link I sent you there is a milkshape glm importer download it. Its very important.

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  • 3 weeks later...

what do you mean you "tried and tried"? if your having problems just explain to us what it is and we'll help.


and if you figure out how to do it then you wont have to go asking someone for help every time you want to make a saber.


"Give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime."

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ok for the tag, its really simple. ill start with what it HAS to be.

if you already know what a tag is then just skip this part. a tag is a single polygon, a triangle if you like. the only difference between a tag and a regular 'ol polygon is that the tag is a right-angle triangle with one side HALF the size of the other. so just make it simple, have one side sized 1 and the other 2 and the hypotenues is dependent on the other sides.


now the placement of the tag. the LONGEST side of the tag must be pointing straight up. like this diagram:






and it must be bottom of the tag is where the blade begins. oh and dont forget to name it tag_flash.


now the texture problem... it can be the result of many things.

tell me this, when you open your model in md3view and you import your .skin file, does the textures show up or does it give you an error?

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your directory should be as follows


or if you want to make it mod compatible

c:/base/models/weapons2/<saber's name>


you should have md3view in /base and your saber, the .skin file and the .jpg file in either /saber or /<saber's name>


your skin file should be as follows

for non-mod,


for mod compatible,

w_saber,models/weapons2/<saber's name>/saber.jpg


then open your saber in md3view, goto file/import skin...

import your .skin file.


then the texture should show up in md3view

then export to .glm


there could be other problems that im not aware of because your using milkshape

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