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Should Fog brushes be "Detailed"


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No, I'm not making my level out of all detail brushes.

I've just seen how Rich Deisel's Tutorial stresses making brushes detailed and I wasn't sure if making fog brushes "detailed" defeats the purpose of making them "fog" brushes.

Part of my attempt to "find out" is asking here. Thanks for the help :)

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I don't think they need to be, but I don't think it matters.


Don't listen to Rich about detail brushes. Sure, his method speeds compile times, but framerate and performance will suffer drastically.


Struct brushes: Anything large and structural, like walls of a room, perhaps pillars.


Detail brushes: Anything small and detailed. Trims, stairs, tables, desks, that sort of small detail. Sometimes terrain, that depends.

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Thanks, and yeah I'd rather focus on performance than compile time. So, I guess neither of you are certain if it will have any affect on fog brushes. I'm trying to figure out where fog lies in respect to structure and detail. Obviously it's not structure, but it does affect how and what you see. It probably won't do any harm to make it detail, but we'll see...


I'm compiling right now with fog brushes and some patch mesh curves selected as detail and I'll see if the compile time is down from the previous compile and if the fog suffers any negative affects.


Thanks for your explanations.





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Just to let anybody interested know...

Making fog brushes detail has had no (noticable) negative affects. The fog came out perfectly fine.

It also did shave some time off of the compiling process.





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Originally posted by Emon

I don't think they need to be, but I don't think it matters.


Don't listen to Rich about detail brushes. Sure, his method speeds compile times, but framerate and performance will suffer drastically.


Struct brushes: Anything large and structural, like walls of a room, perhaps pillars.


Detail brushes: Anything small and detailed. Trims, stairs, tables, desks, that sort of small detail. Sometimes terrain, that depends.


See, most newbs can't make that differentiation so I just simplified it. :p Same sort of idea as "never use CSG Subtract." There are ways to use these tools, but when you're just starting, it's not important. After you've made a map or two, then you can learn the tricks of the trade.


And making fog detail in Radiant does not matter, as the qualities of a fog shader make it a detail brush anyway. I usually make them detail anyway, just so they disappear when I hit CTRL+D.

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Don't listen to Rich about detail brushes. Sure, his method speeds compile times, but framerate and performance will suffer drastically.


So am I to understand that if you make some of your brushes structural and then compile, that in game you'll have better FPS?

I have pretty much everything detail and I get decent FPS but I'm sure it could be better! Well I guess I'll give that a try, it can't hurt :)

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Ok this is weird, I took the advice here and made a few walls structural around my cave expecting the compile time to increase a bit, but instead it decreased it by 1/2 hour??!!


I thought that if you made everything detail, that it was supposed to decrease compile time? And when I loaded the game, I had much better FPS too. Oh well, I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth! :)



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ok, I understand that, but what I'm saying is this, pretty much my entire map was Detail, then when I added a few structural, it cut my compile time by a 1/2 hour and increased my FPS.


So my point is, when I made some of my brushes structural, it really helped out my map and maybe, it's not good to make EVERYTHING (with the exception of brushes touching the void, those you never make detail) detail. Just trying to get a handle on this :)



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