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Dragon Remix (v2) Demo


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Well, seeng as how BOTH JK2Files and JKII.net haven't updeted in a while I'm going to release the JKII: Dragon Remix Demo myself. You can fin the links on the web site:




If any of you are wondering how I could release a Demo if I can't map to save my life I, naturally, cheated. I used the Hoth map in Raven's Jedi Outcast Demo. Between that and the original Ladder: The Dragon Remix you'll have an idea of what I'm putting togeather.

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it bends to the right a little bit, and i dont like the coloring

but me personally, ive always enjoyed "ninja swords" more then anything else, and the only thing i didnt like about kyles skin is the purple..i dont really like it, but i like it to an exstent, i think it was used a lil to much.


but all else aside it rox!


if you need me for beta testing, you should have seen my contacts some where along the ways...but ill list them again


AIM: j0shios

YIM: j0shios (just copy and paste those cuz the first o is a zero)

email/msnm: j0shy23@hotmail.com (just copy and paste those cuz the first o is a zero)

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Yea, I'm still perfecting the skin for the Katana (good thing you haven't seen the purplehart bokken..). The model's gonna stay though, although there should be some cheat to change swords in the SP game, I've heard you can do that with the JediMod as it was a 'problem'. I'll look into it.


As for you Reaper... man now would be a good time to plug Getright. :cool: The flame doesn't show up in the Hoth level but you can always load another level like the Pit or something.

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It doesn't show up in the Hoth Level, interesting, maybe cause it is originally an Demo level ? ah, nah......

maybe cause it is to cold on hoth to produce fire :D


I dont know....


I'm gonna look at it but hey remember youre using the beta version so it isn't perfect, if anyone complaines about it just say it is cause of the cold.. maybe... ehm... .

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What I was going to do after the MOD was initialy done was release a 'Limited Edition WB Remix'. Since many of the skins are based my buddies at the Writer's Block, I was going to make a version of the MOD that would have no Kyle modifications ad give min-mods to the authors so they can paly 'themselves'.


Since now that 2 strikes against Purple Kyle I guess later on this week I'll hold a vote to see which skin/model would be prefered for the Remix.

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Damn I wish I could model...


I'm continuing my desperate quest to get a unique weapon for the Luke/Covax character. I stumbled on a lightsaberhilt based on the Samurai 3000 Sword and tinkered with the 'green glow' (since Luke is the only one that uses a green sword right...).


And well... this is what I came up with:




Now... it looks... OK... in the screenshots.. but the damn thing is just slightly transparent. In action it's fine.. moving too fast for anyone to notice flaws.


Should I work on it some more or just stick to the Katana/Ninja swords?

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Hey Covax, I just got done checking out Dragon Remix, NICE CUTSCENES... I was wondering if you could maybe hlep me with our map because it will be MP and SP, and for the SP, there are some elements that you have shown in all your great SP missions, especially this latest one, that my team could use.. its a single map based project, but the elements involved, like cutscenes and realism are too complex for me. And I was wondering if you could help us. I have the dragon file uploaded to the JKII.net Server in case you are wondering about my reliability (the database has been screwy the last couple days. So if you could help us, we greatly appreciate it.


For more info if interesed, you can contact me @ dmccarthy100@charter.net


Countryguy867 on AIM

dmccarthy100 on YAHOO


by the way, here's the link to the dragon Remix 2.0 Demo



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I sent Andy867 an e-mail explaining that that Hoth level is 99.44% Raven Software. The only thing I did that was anywhere NEAR mapping was changing the texture of the landing platform.


I'm just an idea man hagin' out in a place where everyone has an Idea, so I'm shutting up until gaining a grain of respect. (The main reason why my Ideas page is unlinked).


On another note, both Andy's and JK2Files' links seem to be working fine for me.

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Originally posted by Covax

Saber sticking out of a different bodypart?


It happens with any model changes: You can't use saved-games, you'll have to reload the level, they it adjusts itself.


No, the saber sticks out of the sword. I thought loading it by "map demo" and not saved this time would help, but it didn't.. I even redownloaded.

Also, seperate question to anyone who can answer. Anyway I can get my Kyle NOT to sound like Jar Jar in SP and MP? Quite annoying. I wanna see if I can do this without taking him out completely.

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:cool: Yea, you'll just have to create a MOD with the different sounds.


OK here's the trick: Open up the .pk3 files using winzip. You'll see all the pretty files lined up. Look around untill you see the sounds that match Kyle.




Extract than and tinker away.

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