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NPC problem


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Hey, when i make a npc like for example





fullName "Fett,Jango"

playerModel stjango

snd jango_fett

reactions 5

aim 4

move 5

aggression 3

evasion 5

intelligence 5

rank captain

playerTeam enemy

enemyTeam player

// race human

class Reelo

snd jango_fett

sndcombat jango_fett

sndextra jango_fett

sndjedi jango_fett

walkSpeed 75

runSpeed 300

yawspeed 200

dismemberProbHead 99

dismemberProbArms 99

dismemberProbHands 99

dismemberProbLegs 99

dismemberProbWaist 99

scaleZ 90



he will just stand there and attack wont even think of moving around. If there is a solution to this plz tell me.

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In the game anyone with a lightsaber uses different AI code than

normal npc. They have more freedom of movement (but tend to get confused by walls :rolleyes: ) everyone else uses to waypoint and point combat system.


(though note that they behave a little diferently depending on what gun they have...guys with diruptors tend to snipe from a crouched position for example.)

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