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HELP! Model disoriented!


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ok thanks for the ppl who helped on my questions bout tags and weighting! my simple model complied sucessfully in assimilate! wow i was so happy! but then the trouble came when I opened my glm in modview, some of the parts appear to be missplaced, not in a weird way though, those parts that r misplaced seem to have been mirrored off an axis, for example the r_arm appears to be mirrored right below the left arm, and the l_leg has been diagonaly mirrored to the top right, the entire torso was flipped over(in the right position but the neck was facing down) and some of the smaller parts were just complelely off some things like that


anyone got any ideas on wut i did wrong? carcass gave me no errors btw...

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Sounds like a linking problem with the hierarchy, you might wanna re-check how everthing is setup. Well thats the only thing I can think, I hate this whole process of getting models in game, Jabba has ONE vert unweight, and its compleltly hidden.



Well go over you hierarchy, remmeber everything should flow to the torso.

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ok i know exactly how to fix that problem, but it involves reweighting the parts that dont work.


create any object, select the object and attach a part of the model that shows up not where its supposed to be. then select the polys of the part of your model that was screwed up and detach it. then just apply your unwrap and reweight it.


do that with any part thats out of place.


and to find vertices that arent weighted just select a bone and move the body and every direction and look for the vertice that doesnt move with the rest of the body.

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I also had that problem!

This is what I did.

I made my mesh in milkshape3d.

I added bits to my mesh with 3dsmax.

When I exported everything was f**ked.

When I examined my mesh in milkshape3d from 3dsmax the mesh was screwed exactly like it was in modview.

So always make your mesh in 1 program!

If you have already made your mesh entirely on a single program then revert to the above post.

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If you are using max, go to the Utilities tab, and use the Reset XForm on the effected objects (or the entire mesh for that matter). You may need to go back and reweight everything, so make sure you save a backup.

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Carefull when you reset the xform though...first off, there might be a couple of faces you have to flip the normals of (they'll turn black-ish), but if you reset the xform of an object higher up in the heirarchy which has also been rotated before it was mirrored, lower laying object will also rotate back.


You'll know hwat I mean as soon as it hapens to you :)


Also, you can reset the xform at any point in the whole modeling process: just make sure that the other modifiers are on top of the xform modifier in the stack, then right click on the xform modifier and press "collapse to".

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:ball: o no!! ur right! thats wut it did to me! too late! i cant go back! sigh... o btw u said make sure xform is under other stacks? i wanted to do that but i didnt know how, how can u put the xform under the skin stack? cuz when i added it and collasped it my skin(the skin modifier not the model skin) disappeared :(
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I figured it out finally! lol I just realized u can simply drag those stacks and move them up or down like layers in photoshop... problem solved! yay finally my just for fun test model worked sucessfully in game! now I can move onto serious JK2 modeling!

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