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What other civs could there be???

Guest Gui69do

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Hey, this is my first post on this forum, so bare with me. I've been looking forward to this game for quite some time. And I've read just about every review out there. But anyways, back to my Q: I'm no expert guru on Star Wars so I figured I'd ask you intelligent people. When (not if, WHEN) they come out with the expansion, what new civilizations might they include? Are there any other major ones that they did not put into this game? Ok, thanks for your time.




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Welcome Gui69do! Hope you enjoy your stay. About the civs, well I say Mon Calamari definitely. There are some others that will tell you Yuuzhan Vong, Chiss, Trandoshans (I like them)


But I say the important absence in the game are the Mon Calamari, hope they're included in the expansion. Along with one or two more.

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Guest midgetminnie

Hope you enjoy these forums. I'm actually very surprised that the Ewoks weren't included...they already have quite a few existing units they could have used. Plus, everyone would love killing them:ewok:. Also, the :jawa Jawas could have been included, and Tuskan Raiders, and maybe a civ called "Hutt Scum" or something, with bounty hunters and those pig warriors. They won't have civs only from comic books and most general fans don't know about, because they need to keep general interest.

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Originally posted by JEDI_MASTA

welcome im gor the mon calamari and the chiss in my ppinion the vong are wierd and they killed chewie:( but ok now that i think about it i want them i wanna kick the **** out of them with the naboo lol


You do realize, that Chewie doesn't exist... ;)


I'd like to see Chiss, Mon Cals, and maybe a fully playable Trandoshan civ... :D

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1. a fully playable Trandoshan civ or Trandos for short


2. the Geonosians or Geos for short


3. the Kaminoans or Kamis for short


4. the Mon Calamari or Mon Cal for short


5. the Bothans


6. the Sullustans or Sullies for short


7. the Grans


8. a Hutt controlled, Tatooine based civ


9. Black Sun


10. the Alderaan people


11. a Clone civ


12. some Ssi-Ruuk units in the toybox


Above all though, the top 4 are the most important for the first x-pak and the others could be for an ep III x-pak. One thing, though, NO VONG!!!! :mad:

Also, there may be more civs that I just left out b/c I forgot them but don't get mad, k?

Oh, and one more thing--ewoks, jawas, sand peeps, and the gamorreans should not be civs by themselves, too primitive. They could, however, be units for another civ.

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Hey Gui69do, wlecome to the boards. If you've read every review, i bet you haven't read the one written by Garry Gaber on this very board! If you haven't, go to the developers forum and look at the topic called "greetings". Gaber, the director of battlegrounds has several posts in it in which he answers alot of questions.


Anyways, about your question, i'd like to see the MonCals, they just look really cool, and they have a story, and they have the units.

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Hey Tie Guy, could you give me a link to that forum where Gaber posted? I must be a complete moron b/c I cannot find it. Thx in advance...


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Guest Darth_Venage

Mon Cal defiently(most people seem to say the same thing:D )

but I think the Ewoks might be controllable in this version of GBG in the Endor mission. You'll see them in the GBG Tour. But what would be cool is if you could hire smugglers to steal techs from the enemy(and pay a gefty price of course)

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Guest die rebel scum

I like the chiss, but I would also like the vong they killed chewie after all(thank god)I hate wookies just so u know. also the nohgri r cool

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gui69do, how do you pronounce your name? and what is the "69" for? Anyway mr. Die Rebel Scum: The rebels rock! I agree with someone else that i can't remember: u r evil! how can you hate wookies?! Wookies are awesome! 'specially chewie! Also somebody support me on this: TRANDOSHANS SHOULD BE IN THE X-PAK AS A FULLY PLAYABLE CIV! :bossk:


Hey I just saw some great concept art! It's the Trandoshan buildings! Now they just HAVE to put the Trandoshans in as a fully playable civ!


Trandoshan Buildings are here!

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Guest crazy_dog

Now I present you, ladies and gentelmen, the civs in the game so far:

:ewok:, (the endor mission,rememeber. u can also get them in the editor) :amidala: , :bdroid2: , :emperor: , :gungan: ,

:x-wing: , :chewie: and :bossk: . I hope they will include...

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Guest crazy_dog

...:xizor: , and maybe the Vong (I'll make them with a mod. No, not Leon's type.) and the Mon Cals (But I won't mind if the Mon Cals are in the editor).

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Well, Im seeing that the over-all response has been the Mon-Cals. Maybe some Lucas Arts higher ups have seen the thread I've started and have scribbled down some ideas. (yea right!) My first post and I got over 20 responses, I feel special. Thx for the warm welcome everyone.


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