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Where the hell did the ProMod suggestion thread go?


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Some more ideas.


If you come to find the reduced backpeddle speed to be a issue after testing, another solution may be allow backpeddling at normal speed for ten paces then reduce it to less than normal (50%?) for a short duration or distance.


Force Seeing at level three is the most under used power. Maybe add another special ability. Example: if CSC is in high aim value on an opponent that is unloading secondary splash damage missiles, and, the opponent is close by - say within 20 paces - then Seeing Lvl3 would auto repel(force push) the missiles. Similar to dodge sniper fire but repels close range only and very dependent on CSC aim. Of course the force push would eventually use up force power as well.


The issue of duel length was never a problem in Heretic2 due to the game play structure. I tried to light the torch with FFA_CloudShark in hopes that the community would get the idea and run with it. The multi arena dueling map hasn't caught hold yet, but with three arenas (or more) the frequency of dueling 1on1 is non-stop. Non-stop dueling was what made H2 such a hit. Raven, unfortunately, didn't get it quite right with JK2. H2 played much like ProMod where you could one hit kill (head shot) an opponent in a matter of seconds or gracefully duel for position for a very long time.


The greatest problem with the multi arena format is the occasional lammer. If properly coded however this play style would be very popular. One way to solve this would be to provide multiple challenge duels per server. Not until you challenge another player could you draw weapon. A more sophisticated version of this would be allowing players to duel 1on2, 2on2, 5on7 3on3on3..... of course multiple teams would have to use team-skins rather than team-colors. The team duel could initiate through a team leader choosing a team then challenging one or multiple teams, or, the players could target a player and press the "j" key to join their team or create a team. Saber locking could be enabled as well requiring team mates to defend team mates or help break the locks with a kick etc. Maybe even three way saber locks.


Another way to enable multiple duels per server would be to remove a pair of challengers from the sight and touch of other players and duelers. This way you could use duel maps to serve many duels simultaneously - Multi demensional dueling. You would make a challenge and then enter your own demension(on the same map) with your opponent.


Anyway just some more fun ideas to chew on.

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Other Ideas,


Button-mashing could be made a risk by a continuous attack modifier. The more frantic the swinging the weaker the attacks become. Strength conserving, deliberate intentional attack would be encouraged over button mashing in hopes of getting lucky. Although this would also widen the gap between new and veteran players. The modifier could be based on potential damage output of a string of attacks. Once the potential damage limit is reached in a given time then subsequent attacks diminish in damage output. The modifier could reset after a few seconds of inactivity (non attack state). Example: 200 damage per 5 seconds before damage modifier kicks in.


You could even use this type of modifier to knock down defenses as well. Example: opponents using like stances could try to apply a certain amount of damage against a defender in a given time to break defenses.............



Increase the POV beyond 110. This heightens the senses allowing players to see better. It makes melee combat far more dynamic.


hope this is logically legible (makes sense)

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Hmm, I don't know about giving force sight any more power than it's going to have already. With the new Mind Trick, it won't be able to see a tricker at any range anymore, but even level 1 will have some ability to dodge sniper fire (you'll have to be looking directly at the sniper). Allowing someone to auto-push missles would be way too powerful, especially in ctf. As far as giving you an aim bonus, I have other plans for that.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX

Hmm, I don't know about giving force sight any more power than it's going to have already. With the new Mind Trick, it won't be able to see a tricker at any range anymore, but even level 1 will have some ability to dodge sniper fire (you'll have to be looking directly at the sniper). Allowing someone to auto-push missles would be way too powerful, especially in ctf. As far as giving you an aim bonus, I have other plans for that.


lol, ok then.......just an idea;)

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