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SP player model switching ingame.


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Is it possible to switch the model used for the player in the middle of a Sp mission? for example useing and ICARUS scipt? I couldnt think of a way but i figured i would ask to be shure :)


thought it might be a nice touch for a stealth mission if you could put on

some stormtrooper armor or something.

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ive been wondering the exact thing. it has to be somewhat possible, considering when you "drive" an atst you actually switch to that model


although, it could be a special command from that entity that switches the models, cuz i was looking thru all the scripts and couldnt find any command that would seem to call a model change or anything like that


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I found that one by reading the script from the part of kejim were you control

the mouse droid.


its set "view_entity" or something. very cool and i have plans for that one

but it actualy swithes your view and control...kyle stays in the world.

(and that fisheye/blue blur may be built into the effect)


something realy cool i just was playing around with:



put this in kyle's spawnscript. very fun results.

'enemy team' npcs will not shoot at you till you attack a member of their team!

(the downside is that npcs of the 'player' team, while they still folow you

attack your if you catch them with even one hit of friendlyfire)


hey..i wonder if thats how Raven did the bar scene on Nar Shadda.

gona go look.

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actually, i think they did a bunch of bs_cinematics, then ran a script to set the ones in the bar as enemies; i didnt go in too deep, but there was a lot of stuff like so:


affect weequay, blah blah, set_enemy kyle, blah


i was thinking of making a mod, and recompiling that script, but with a few of the npcs in it, not set kyle as the enemy and see what happens... but thinking bout it, they would probably attack you anyway, since i assume their alignment was still anti-player, and you get some once the weapons get activated :p


I found that one by reading the script from the part of kejim were you control the mouse droid.
lol dint even think of that... but yeah what you said about it could be troublesome


btw im honored that im actually quoted! :)

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yeh I looked at the bar fight stuff ...heck of a lot of them

coulnd follow it all but i saw several instances of:


set ( /*!*/ "SET_IGNOREALERTS", /*!*/ "true" );

set ( /*!*/ "SET_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES", /*!*/ "false" );

set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_IGNOREENEMIES", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );

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Those are the commands I played with when I put two gran boxers fighting each other in a boxing ring. I set them neutral and also their enemy_team to neutral, and their specific enemy was the other fighting gran (using parm, for convenience sake). And I set all those ignore alerts and such to true or false to the point they would ignore everything besides their playmate.


That worked just fine. You could shoot them nicely and they would still be punching each other. Only when you sent a couple of grenades to enlighten them, they would (at least one of them) ignore the other gran and start looking for kyle.

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George look into the differance between team neutral and team noteam

or whatever it is. Seems like it might be in both out interests to know.


I was thinking of making a marketplace or cantina with assorted npcs

in it with neutral or teamless settings. the could walk around and

have usescripts and such...

obviously you dont want them to shoot the player but since they are not

directly his allies you want them to respond quickly if you start murdering them,

thats were the neutral comes in.


Did i mention this? its easyer to toggle the players team alignment alone

than setting up scripts to do it for all npcs in the area. You could do interesting

stuff in a mission with carfuly placed team switch scripts.

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However, from experience I can say that it's all fine to give NPCs the basic alignments with spawnscript, if one is inclined to do so, but I couldn't give them an enemy with a spawnscript. This was due to the fact, I think, that when the first of the pair spawned, the other was still in the void, and thus the set_enemy parameter was ineffective and ignored. Of course the latter gran could have his enemy alright. But the fight was dull with the other just standing and the other punching. I had to correct this with an external trigger and scriptrunner. For me it handled actually many of the alignment and ignore alerts and such stuff.

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