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How do I change the models in SP

Ice Man

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Some time ago I tried to change the models in SP by modifying the npc.cfg file in that I changed the model info:





model stormtrooper




model jar-jar


I did get jar jar to display in the place of the stormtroopers but the guns were not level with the hands.

I know there have been some mods released that change the models in SP, but could someone explain how it's done correctly. Thanks.

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its something like a missing tag or something on the model, or the game doesnt know where to look for the weapon hand tag...


this stuff happens alot, and has been answered a lot, with many different methods


damn search function being disabled.


i dont know an exact answer, but you could probably find one in threads in this and the mapping forum, about npcs.

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Thanks for the help guys. I had a look at a mod for the game and now I know how to do it. You have to take all the files from the model you wish to use e.g. jarjar and place it in a folder called

models/players/stormtrooper. Then turn it into a pk3 file and place it in the base directory.

I've even turned it into a mod by creating a directory in the gamedata folder, adding a discription.txt and placing the pk3 inside. Pretty cool.

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I was given that method by someone on another forum. He insisted the Weequay thing worked. I haven't tried it myself but the jedi, reborn and st work. If you still want to use a bowcaster for your wookie make a script that assigns him that weapon. But remember the naming part is very important if you want your model to hold his weapon properly.

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