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Help A Guy Out...Please?

Guest Chia Pet

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Guest Chia Pet

1) What does Mace's defensive force move do? It looks like he's screaming but I've never figured out what it does.


2) Any strategy for getting through Level 14? I'm getting smoked by those 100 enemies.


3) What happened to Levels 11, 12 and 13? Can we see Levels 11, 12, 13 and 14 on Easy Mode, or is it just Jedi mode?


4) When you get an attack increase after a level, does that mean your attacks are stronger? That sounds right but I'm just being sure. Is there anything that allows you to take more punishment besides the usual Heath Powerup?

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Guest Darth Wart

1. It took "Trexneus" to explain this to me: if you press (AND HOLD) L2 + C, Mace (provided he has blue stuff), will create a blue sphere that blocks lasers and absorbs your enemies' lasers, increasing your health. So, if you're getting pounded by some droidekas or Maul, try it, and you'll health bar will go up. Nothing will happen if you're not getting pounded, though.


2. basically, run around in circles until they're both following you in tandem, then take them out in a single stroke. For the droidekas, run around in circles till they shoot each other. Do not engage.


3. They can be unlocked in Jedi or Easy, but you must complete game with Plo to get 11, Adi to get 12, and pick up the Gungan artifacts to get 13.


4) Yes, that means you can kill a droid or whatever in fewer strokes. The droids can still block you though. And the defense bonuses after levels 4 and 7 allow you to "take more punishment" before dying.


Hope this helps.






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest Wickedness

I gots a question...after you beat a level, and you collect your combo bonuses and Increase (health/force) bonuses. Can you go back to that level later, rack up beacuop points, and get the point bonuses? AND! What do the Increase Healt/Force bonuses do???


...Let's Get Wicked...

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Guest Darth Wart

No, after you max a level out and rack up enough points to get all the bonuses, you can't get anything more from that level WITH THAT CHARACTER. You can only regress profitably if you didn't max out the level; you'll know this because the last one or two (or three) of the bonus lights won't be lit up white. If all three are white, that character's got nothing more to get from that level.


The force bonuses of the characters do different things. For example, L2 + C for many characters is some kind of defensive shield, while L2 + X is some kind of long-range offensive technique. But they're different for all the characters. If you really want to know what each and every one does, click on the link below my sig and click on strategy, then click on notes on characters, and blah blah blah.


Yes, both characters can get the point bonuses during two player. But it's harder. The points benchmarks are exactly half of what they are on one-player, but the problem is that on two-player one of the players is almost always better and tends to get more than half the points. My advice: figure out what the points needed are, then after the first player has achieved that, have that character hang back and let the other one "take the helm."






There is a complete online JPB strategy guide available at:


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Guest Wickedness

Do you also know the best combos for all the characters? Is that on your Srategy Guide???







...Let's Get Wicked...

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Guest Wickedness

Sorry for the inconvience of my stupidity. I used to be on the theforce.net message board...but that was a while ago and I fergot all the tags and all that...i will remember shortly...

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Guest Wickedness

Ok...I mostly use Windu...he seems to be kinda like Maul, all acrobatic and stuff. Plo looks like his sabre is too heavy, it looks like he's dragging it! hehehe.





...Let's Get Wicked...

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Guest Darth Wart

Hey, Skywalker, your parents have any children that lived?


That wasn't a stupid question, Wickedness.

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Guest Wickedness

Oh i know DarthWart...like the infamous words of everyone's favorite teacher Mr. Garrison...


"There are no stupid questions, just stupid people."


But I am not classifying myself as a stupid person...just burnt out and bored at work!






...Let's Get Wicked...

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Guest Darth Wart

You're at work?!?


I hope you're just accessing this board from work, 'cause if you're ALSO playing JPB there, you need to send me an application!

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Guest Wickedness

Man...I wish I could play JPB @ work! That would ROCK!





...Let's Get Wicked...

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