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Rebels And Imperials Too Similar???

Guest Warlord

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Personnally I think the rebels and imperial look to similar. By checking out all the units(out so far) and pics, those two appear to be the closet. The other civs appear to be something different, with differing structures, units, and appearance all together. The imperial and rebel buildings have the same look, which would get boring to me, which is why the other civs seem more interesting, I hope I am wrong and the civs appear totally opposite, but so far it does not. For instance ground troops for both are very similar, well until imperial get the stormtrooper, but i guess I will have to wait and see?????? :bdroid2: :bdroid2: :bdroid2:

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Yeah thats what I was thinking, but maybe instead they should of exchanged one of them for a different civ, but I think the GB fans(me) cant wait to re-fight the battle between rebels and imperials. Dramatic effect is just too much, and yes both civs will be different, so I guess the developers did a good job with "historical" aspect of the civs.

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I don't think that they look very similar at all. Just look at the units. Does the ATAT, the ATST, or the ATPT look anything like the heavy tank, the hover tank, or the speeder bike? No.

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Guest Darth_Venage

I agree with Tie Guy, the Rebels and Imperials don't look similar. Their techs(so far) are sorta similar, but the art is definetly different

:tie: VS :x-wing:

BIG difference!! :D

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Well yes they are different, but they still are very similar, their units are different, but the art style is very similar, out of the othercivs.

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