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Jedimod and Jediplus npc spawn explanation and script to spawn the npc

Sith Maximus

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When I red the explanation of the spawn npc players in the readme of both of these fantastic mods they did not seem to be too complete. So after a few days messing around with it this is what myself and -=rUUk=- came up with.


//General info:


First off you must set the following in your cfg file:


seta mod_debugcheats "1"


This will allow you to use the spawn commands.

Now when you get into your server you need to type in the following in the console

REMEMBER you must do this at every map change if you want to use it


/rcon (password if not set) cheataccess (your client number; mine always is 0)


It will say you have cheat access


For a single stormtrooper with a blaster rifle just type in


/g2animent (no rcon or password; if you do it wll not work)

He will attack everyone on sight


For a platoon of troops type this in


/g2platoon (no rcon or password; if you do it wll not work)

They will attack everyone on sight


Also all spawned characters are immune to force powers!



In order to spawn them correctly and not have the get stuck in the floor or a wall Do one of the following:

Get into a spot that is high off the ground then point your targeting sight directly ahead. Then spawn the npc characters.

Or while standing on the ground look straight up. Then spawn. They will all fall right on your head,or in front of you, but will not get stuck in the floor.

I run a 1333 processor and with my server full, 8 people, I can spawn two platoons before the machine slows down, three is pushing it.

Also if you spawn them off a ledge into an abyss, like on ctf_bespin, they DO NOT DIE...they remain until you kill them.


To spawn a custom model with a custom weapon:


Example from the readme:


"here is an example that spawns an ent that looks and sounds like a rodian has 100 health, is friendly, and has a blaster"

/g2animent 3 2 4 models/players/rodian/model.glmsound/chars/rodian/misc 100 0


How it really works:


Single npc

/g2animent (type) (alignment) (weapon) / (model) / (sound) / (health) (owner)


Platoon of npc

/g2platoon (type) (alignment) (weapon) / (model) / (sound)

You do not need health or owners for a platoon. They all come in at 100hp and are evil



0 = stormtrooper

1 = rodian

2 = jan

3 = custom

Custom models are found in the assets0.pk3 file under this directory: assets0.pk3/models/players (use winzip to open a .pk3 file)


Alignment: 1 = bad (attacks on sight)

2 = good (attacks only when attacked)

8 = stands still and attacks only when attacked

9 = creates on that attacks everyone except the owner (See owner below)



0 = none

2 = saber (they cannot use it)

3 = bryar pistol

4 = e-11 blaster

5 = tenloss disruptor rifle

6 = bowcaster

7 = demp gun

8 = heavy repeater

9 = golan arms flechette

10 = portable missle launcher

11 = thermal detonator

12 = det pack (they cannot use it)

13 = laser trip mine (they use it but its funny)


Some of the weapon numbers may be wrong...I did not test them all.


Model: This is the player model you want to use


Sound: The sounds that player makes (this does not have to be the default ones) get the sound patch from assets1.pk3 under this directory:assets1.pk3/sound/chars

You can assign any model sound to any model, they do not need to match


Health: you can set this to what you want but 100 is good


Owner: The owner of the npc. In this case make it your server clientnumber (mine is 0) so they will not attack you. Then if a crowd is getting out of hand you can show them who is boss!





//This is a selectable script for a variety of single npc characters

//All of them have blasters and are evil (you can alter that if you want)

//First key selects the type of npc you want to spawn

//Second key executes the command


//Spawn a single custom npc character-part 1

set npc-1 "echo [^1SINGLE ^1STORMPILOT^7]; bind (second key here) vstr spawn-1; set custom-npc vstr npc-2"

set npc-2 "echo [^1SINGLE ^1REBORN^7]; bind (second key here) vstr spawn-2; set custom-npc vstr npc-3"

set npc-3 "echo [^1SINGLE ^1SWAPMTROOPER^7]; bind (second key here) vstr spawn-3; set custom-npc vstr npc-4"

set npc-4 "echo [^1SINGLE ^1LUKE^7]; bind (second key here) vstr spawn-4; set custom-npc vstr npc-5"

set npc-5 "echo [^1SINGLE ^1WEEQUAY^7]; bind (second key here) vstr spawn-5; set custom-npc vstr npc-1"

set custom-npc "vstr npc-1"

bind (first key here) "vstr custom-npc"


//Spawn a single custom npc character-part 2

set spawn-1 "g2animent 3 9 4 models/players/stormpilot/model.glm sound/chars/stormtrooper/misc 100 0"

set spawn-2 "g2animent 3 9 4 models/players/reborn/model.glm sound/chars/reborn1/misc 100 0"

set spawn-3 "g2animent 3 9 4 models/players/swamptrooper/model.glm sound/chars/stormtrooper/misc 100 0"

set spawn-4 "g2animent 3 9 4 models/players/luke/model.glm sound/chars/luke/misc 100 0"

set spawn-5 "g2animent 3 9 4 models/players/weequay/model.glm sound/chars/weequay/misc 100 0"


//Spawn a custom npc platoon-part 1

set npc-p-1 "echo [^1STORMPILOT ^1PLATOON^7]; bind (second key here) vstr spawn-p-1; set custom-npc vstr npc-2"

set npc-p-2 "echo [^1REBRON ^1PLATOON^7]; bind (second key here) vstr spawn-p-2; set custom-npc vstr npc-p-3"

set npc-p-3 "echo [^1SWAMPTROOPER ^1PLATOON^7]; bind (second key here) vstr spawn-p-3; set custom-npc vstr npc-p-4"

set npc-p-4 "echo [^1LUKE ^1PLATOON^7]; bind (second key here) vstr spawn-p-4; set custom-npc vstr npc-p-5"

set npc-p-5 "echo [^1WEEQUAY ^1PLATOON^7]; bind (second key here) vstr spawn-p-5; set custom-npc vstr npc-p-6"

set custom-npc "vstr npc-p-1"

bind (first key here) "vstr custom-npc"


//Spawn a custom npc platoon-part 2

set spawn-p-1 "g2platoon 3 9 4 models/players/stormpilot/model.glm sound/chars/stormtrooper"

set spawn-p-2 "g2platoon 3 9 4 models/players/reborn/model.glm sound/chars/reborn1"

set spawn-p-3 "g2platoon 3 9 4 models/players/swamptrooper/model.glm sound/chars/stormtrooper"

set spawn-p-4 "g2platoon 3 9 4 models/players/luke/model.glm sound/chars/luke"

set spawn-p-5 "g2platoon 3 9 4 models/players/weequay/model.glm sound/chars/weequay"


// EOF


Hope this helps someone out....



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