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SickleSaber Skinmap and Skin


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As I said in my thread about this over in the modeling forum I need someone to skinmap and skin this saber.



After several hours of reading tutorials I just couldnt catch on. So now I decided I need assistance. If someone could please help thanks. And you can either reply here or email me at icepool@netzero.net.


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I never skinmapped it or anything. Those were colors I made with milkshape called materials that I aplied to the sections. Unfortunately I believe it has to be more complicated to get a skin on an object. You cant do it by just doing this. Also I have yet to understand how to skinmap cause I suck at learning through reading. I see it once though and I will be always able to do it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nobody wanted to help with the ****ing skinmap. I know how to ****ing skin myself. I appreciate what yadu was trying to help. To a semi experienced modeler skinmapping this would have been easy as all hell. It probably would have took a half an hour tops. But obvioulsy no one around here gives a **** and wants to help out. So Morthvargr if you would like this damn saber you can have it but it will be without skin. Send me an email at icepool@netzero.net. Oh and I sent a beta version into jediknightii.net and they never posted the damn thing surprise. Oh and this saber works best with jedimod and the two new stances. And the blade should be set at 0.5.

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...or something like that. Tell ya what. Send it to me. I can sqeeze some time in on it today in between classwork (hopefully). If not I'll work on it some tonight instead of skinning the one I was working on. This saber has been in limbo tooooooo long and it's a damn shame because it crosses new territory.


*edit* I forgot to mention that I'm jsut going to do the skinmap. My skinmapping skills aren't the best, but they're a LOT better then what they were before (nothing). And I'm getting better, so it will be workable for you or yadu to make skins for at least.

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Hey I dont have the file right now since I dont have the my computer right now since Im still in the middle of moving. Yadu if you have the file see if you can make the arrangements with Psynex and give him the file to skinmap. And Psynex thanks alot for helping out. Oh and Psynex when you finish skinmapping it send it to Yadu and he can skin it and submit it. Thanks alot everyone. :D

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