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Does Deanna Troy sound retarded?


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Originally posted by Absurd

She's probably one of the few characters I don't like in ST:TNG.


The actual actress sounds more intelligent without using the accent.





Where did that come from. Is it because she doesn't return your phone calls?



I'll have to think about that for a while.



*walks away*

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Originally posted by Absurd

She's probably one of the few characters I don't like in ST:TNG.


The actual actress sounds more intelligent without using the accent.


I like Deanna Troi.


Though Mirina Sirits(the actress who portrays her) does have her crappy acting moments.



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My satellite has a TIVO-like unit (PVR - personal video recorder ... uses a hard drive, etc.)


I record all the Friday night ST:TNG's on TNN and through-out the week.


I've been watching them the past 4 - 6 hours.


I have no life. :p

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