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Jedi Academy!!!


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I made "Hoth Jedi Academy" which you can download from Jedioutcastmaps.com


It's not true to any books because I made my own storyline. If you read the Jedi Academy trilogy books, in the story, one of Master Luke Skywalker's apprentices (they don't call them padawans) turned against the academy, and almost destroyed it.


In my storyline, luke decides that a more secure site should be established for the jedi entering the final stages of training. Thus, he returns to Hoth, where he rebuilds (and remodels) echo base and turns it into his alternate academy.


I'm thinking of going back to it at some point and making another part to it, what it will do is continue on from one of the doors that were closed and lead to a new area and eventually, an outside area. You'll be able to look through that door and you'll see the an area from the first map, but there will be a force field there stopping you from proceeding. But that won't be for awhile.


Anyway, if you want some ideas, feel free to check out my map.



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