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Getting tie fighters to shoot(or throw bombs like jk1)


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I'm using a script that makes tie fighters fly over the player when he is in a building's roof. Now my question is this: Is it possible to make this tie fighters shoot(or throw bombs like jk1) whenever they are passing over the player? In jk1 it was done via cogs which do not exist in jkII but there must be a way to do it(via scripting probably?).

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Not sure if this is possible for your idea, but there is some entity that fires blaster bullets when triggerd. I think you might be able to place the trigger in the path of fighter and when the fighter flyes threw the trigger it shoots the blaster bullets to where its positioned, or you can use the func_timer and have the bullets fire when the fighters fly past. thats all i can come up with sorry.

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Well thx about the map(even though it may not be as good as it sounds cos as it is now it lacks detail a lot). Well back to the topic. One more thx about the idea of the func_timer. Now to the point of this reply ;). BUMP

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yup :) was explaining about the func_timer, also not that u say attacks the player..... there might be a scrit that makes it target a player but if not it will only shoot at a certain target :( if the roof is small enough then that blast should be good just to aim at the roof with a target_position but if the blast radius is too small you can have the fighter release 2 plasma bomb things at once so it covers more of a radius. or even 4-5 bombs that come out looking as one bomb but while in air comeing down it splits into the 4-5 bomb and hit the whole roof :) dont ask me how im comeing up with this i just type as i think :).

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In JK1 that scene fairly early on where the TIE Bomber attacking you on the roof:


I wasnt shure but at the time i got the impression taht the bomber had

several possible bombing runs and one of them would be triggered when

you walked into its hit area.


Even if that isnt how it worked that might be a way to do it.

Have a big trigger the player can walk into. the shots wont actualy

be at him but they will apear to be since they are shooting at the place he is...

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i dont know if this helps,


but i made a tie fighter that was a func_train and had a certain pathcorner target an fx_runner so that when the func_train reached the path corner it automatically fired a blaster shot at a target


i think you could target the fx_runner at the player, but maybe not

the target might have to be stationary i dunno


my tie fired at an x-wing that then crashed but it was all scripted, so the point that was being fired at never changed


if u cant target the player make the entire fly-by sequence of events targetted by the player crossing a trigger brush and target near the trigger brush


then make other trigger brushes that when crossed would disable the effects runner and target entities and enable a different set that were aimed at that trigger brush

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And what if you use that target entity to fire to, but move it with a script near to the player. I don't know, but there should be a way to get the player's coordinates, and move something there. So, if you put a trigger at the beginning of the shooting scene, wich will start the TIE's script, and the target's script?

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