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Converting JK2 Demo to AVI/MPEG


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Well im gettting a nice swanky I-Mac so I shall be able to do some wiered and wonderful stuff to capture it all ie, I can attach my I-Mac to my graphics card play what we need capture it on the I-Mac, digitise it, send it to PC play with it a viola one nice Captured game stuff :)



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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by razorace

Bink has it's own codec. It isn't supported by Quicktime or Windows Media Player. You gotta use Bink to play Bink files but I believe it's possible to create executable Bink files with the Bink software. Bink! Bink! Bink! :)


Razor Ace



Then how would I give it to others? Theres gotta be a way...

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to record single player stuff use a video screen capture software the movie tends to lag tho so you should prolby shrink the res to 800 x 600 I used a program called SnagIt and it worked pretty good it kinda lagged but my comp sux and is full of useless stuff I get the new speced out one next week YaY!

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