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JC Denton WIP v1.0

Kyle Katarn__4

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Hey all me again I'd like to say that I am finally Remodeling Tyrion and have already fixed his coat right now I am fixing his hair making the sunglasses a 3 dementonal thing is still getting me stumped so if anyone want so to help let me know anyways I should have screens for you within a day or so its finally turning out as I wanted to.

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*sigh* another tyrion. Maybe you can get someone to make a model for you or make one yourself hmmm I wonder if you type in Tyrion Model in the search you would get over 100 also in jediknightii. makes you wonder... and I doubt the author expected it

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Did you get permission to remodel Tyrion? If not, you should stop and do that first. I know if I found someone remodelling my hard work, I'd be very upset. Especially when they make comments like "so that he'll look alot better than the first model". It's like saying "I'm redoing your hard work, and as a way of saying thanks, here's a kick to the groin!" :p

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Well... It's weird. Absath and I come up with a really decent model (or so we find it ;P) and we get a lil disapointed that it didnt match our expectations when it comes to the public's opinion. We wanted the Boba Fett Effect again... well we thought we failed there.


But somehow people still use our stuff... which is by all means a compliment, or so i find it.


Well im kind of retired from JO. So our plans for Tyrion are therfore canceled and Tyrion may be moded as long as credits are due.


I do not mind people using our stuff as a base for their own work as long as credits are due as i said. But nevertheless I always encorage people to make their own stuff. Believe me when I say that the feeling of fulfillment skyrockets.


I have to say that even tho the Fetts have a few bugs, the breakthroughs and all the hard work I had along with sithlord-ii to figure out how to model for JO where real turn ons and I felt so goddamned happy when it was done and working that i cannot express it with mere words.


Well... the point is... I encorage people to make their own stuff. But I dont mind that my stuff is used as base for other people's work as long as it's done with recognition and respect. This goes for all authors since we all invest time and brain cells into this and mostly we do so for our own pleasure and it's a pain in the butt when we find that somehow, due to other people, our pleasure becomes or frustration cuz other people didnt respect us.


Cheers to you all. It was fun around here while it lasted. Been a real pleasure. :)

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hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so thats why my e-mails were not returned well the point is my question still was not anwsered I need help I exported the file as an md3 then I opened it with the md3view from the SDK and it says cannot find the models/players/model skin.tga and its not working and I changed the qc to the right file with the skins in the right folder but I still get the cannot find the skin.tga error can anyone help me out here.

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MD3's are not my specialty. I always worked with MAX files -> exported to XSI -> Compiled to GLM


First you should watch out for too much exporting importing rexporting bla bla bla cuz some import/export plugins may not be fully compatible or something and info might be lost during the procedure. This however may not be the issue.


You should put the model and texture folders in a folder system similar to the game's system... all of them inside a "Parent" folder named BASE. The "parent" folder name is VERY important so make sure it exists and it's named BASE.


Then all you have to do is place all files in the respective folders and make sure the the files and sub-folders have all the right names and all necessary files are present.


Well that's all.

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Max files are 3d studio max files... it's the program i used to make my models. Then i had to export over to xsi files...which is the the filetype for softimage xsi which is the program Raven used to model and animate the game characters.


After xsi all you have to do is compile to glm which is the filetype used by the game engine.

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