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What drivers are you trying to update??

Sometimes you can go to the company website and find the updated drivers on there. But i really need to know what drivers are you trying to update so I can get a better understanding of your situation.

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well ok....... so when i try to open up jk2 it goes up (console,then full screen)then when it has a full screen for about a second or two it goes back to windows sometimes it says in the console opengl error or something or some times the console doesnt come up

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Originally posted by tRoNtALaKI

FINE NO ONE WANTS TO HELP ME NOW?!?!?! fine be like that


Hey moron buy a new videocard.......


We do want to help but in this thread you must give us all of the information on a problem. You do not have a compatible card to run this game on. If your using windows xp then it is a driver issue. I suggest you sign up for the cnet catchup service. It is free and will keep your computer updated with the latest updates and drivers. If your not running xp and this does not help then your prob sol. Look at the box to see the list of supported video cards. If you do not have one of them or are on an integrated video system then your screwed.

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