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Submitting Files


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im really sorry for posting a question on your thread but i woulda really hated to start a new thread for this. does anyone know how long it takes for a submitted file to come up? not just for this site but for jedioutcast maps and jk2files as well (if anyone knows).


as for your question zeek i would check to see if you map actually works on its own and if you followed the guidelines correctly for this site. anything other than that i dont know sorry.


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Hey Green hornet, I am actually one of the fine file posters for http://www.jediknightii.net and this past week, we were experiencing problems with not only our database, but also our file submission email. but its been resolved, and I will be getting a bunch (probably 30-70) new files posted, as well as the many submitted before the database starting experiencing technical issues. so, not to worry. I was feeling so useless, because all I could do was review the files, and just let them pile up on my HD, as waiting for word that things are given the thumbs up. but I've been reassured by my supervisor that things will be back to normal, and many of you have noticed my name, as well as James, Intrepid, Diablo, and the other great posters getting many files submitted. This past week has mainly been a news week, with mentioning things like VolrathXp's RAT MAP in the mapping/level forum thread, and theinks with jedioutcastoutfield opening its "doors". and just a bunch of other great news and mentioning of TC's in production, and map/model/skin WIPS. But when I get back to my house tomorrow, I will get crackin to gettin the files posted so people can begin working on new projects, knowing that what they did will be available for download. Like the sand arena version2. and other fine duel/FFA maps, along with great looking skins. now to just wait for the release of these guys


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hey thanx a lot andy. i know everyone who edits really appreciates the work that you do. i never knew that there was a problem with it but im really glad to see that its working out:D . anyway my map is called shower room and thats the only one i sent in but i just wanted to know. thanx again:D :D :D

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