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Read the thread Ydnar posted a couple weeks ago, you'll have to dig a little. Just search each page for "q3map2".


What's wrong with your level? Q3Map2 isn't some magical utility that makes your map run faster, you know.

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Colored light leaking.. the bane of every author.. I tried asking Raven about it, and got a glorified "zuh?" as my response.. and ydnar (q3map2 programmer) said he doesn't know specifically what causes it... odd thing is.. that it DOESN'T occur in SP.. only MP..

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Originally posted by Gonkish

Colored light leaking.. the bane of every author.. I tried asking Raven about it, and got a glorified "zuh?" as my response.. and ydnar (q3map2 programmer) said he doesn't know specifically what causes it... odd thing is.. that it DOESN'T occur in SP.. only MP..


we are talking about when light goes through walls and such?


o_O I get that all the time in SP...but with white lights...is there a diff

between colored and light for that porpose? seems kinda weird.

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jk2mp.exe seems to ignore the r_compresslightmaps cvar and applies DTX1 compression to the lightmap textures.


DTX2/3 etc don't compress textures that are 128x128 or smaller, which is the size of lightmaps stored in the BSP.


On another note, Q3Map2 does make a BSP smaller and run faster. In order to get the most out of it you have to use the -meta switch when compiling map -> BSP.



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