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Shading Help

Zathu Koon

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Hey, first time shader here.


Anyway, I am making a clan release skin for QQJJz, based off of VampD's model. I have a shader set up for the eyes, but I can't get it to work. Here is what I have:



	map models/players/qqjjz/mouth_eyes_g.tga
	map models/players/qqjjz/mouth_eyes.tga
	blendfunc blend
	rgbGen wave triangle 1 2 1 1


Whats wrong is that the mouth_eyes_g is not replacing the eyes in mouth_eyes.


And my TGAs are based off of the tuorials at planetquake located here, mabey I have to make the part of the mouth_eyes that has the eyes to be over written a certain color?.

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Looks good except for the rbgGen part. Try changing it to identity instead of a wave trangle. That's assuming you want it to just glow.


A description of what exactly it is you are trying to do would make it easier for anyone to give you help.

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It was requested that I take the VampD model, and make the eyes glow red pulsate in and out.


I was instructed at the massassi forums to plug the shader into ShaderEd2, and I got the following errors:


* Stage 1 has a file-not-found: "models/players/qqjjz/mouth_eyes_g"

* Stage 2 is not 32bit and has no alpha-gen, but tried to alpha-blendSrcBlend = GL_SRC_ALPHA, DstBlend = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA

* Stage 2 has a file-not-found: "models/players/qqjjz/mouth_eyes"

* Shader does not have a lightmap stage, but you forgot to check the 'nolightmap' flag


It appears that it is not accepting my TGA, mabey photoshop 5 is incompatible. Can someone can recommend a good TGA editor that I can make alpha channels on?


I'm just going to fiddle with stuff untill it works, if anyone can tell me how to do it, that would make it much easier.

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No, photoshop works just fine. That's what I use. According to your error, you have no alpha channel. Just convert the image to a JPG and dump the extension usage in the shader file. JK2 knows what types of texture files it can use. If a TGA is in the folder you point to that has the name you're giving, it will pick that one, if you have just a JPG of that name, it will use that, if you have both in the folder and don't specify which file type it will use both. I know because it's happened to me.

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