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How is this done?


For example. I have a picture of some character I wish to skin. I am trying to skin their face. How do I copy, paste, etc., the picture file to fit into the skin file? (How do I get it into the same format to fit perfectly onto the head)?


In other words, how do I take a face from an image file and make a *decent* looking skin out of it?


-Thank in advance.

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This is a really tough question to answer. It can't really be answered here. If you don't know the basics of cutting and pasting in image editing, you have much to learn before you actually get into skinning. Whatever image editing program you use, find some tutorials on it and learn anything you can about graphic design, then apply that knowledge to skinning.

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I know how to copy and paste, LoL. I've done skinning before, but not with advanced models. For example, skinning the torso, legs, etc. of JK2 models is simple- but the face files are usually stretched from their original proportions into the image which is the skin. You know- open the skin JPEG for a model's face, and face looks completely freaky. I know the reason for that is to shape the image around the head, but *HOW* do you get the image to do that? Is there a way where you can 'paint' on the face image onto the head using a 3D image editing program?

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Theres no trick to doing the faces, it's the same as skinning any other part. The reason they look strange is because they are 2D images meant to be wrapped around a 3D object. You simply work on it in your graphics program, then view it in ModView, and repeat until you're happy with it.

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