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Killing the Bosses

Guest BungleTGC

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Guest BungleTGC



I spent the last day at home with a Migraine and to distract myself, played the game all day long for the first time.

I kept it on Jedi level the whole time, skipping Easy. No real reason for it, just did.


By evening, I had gotten to the Worm in the Naboo swamp. How the **** am I supposed to kill the damn thing? And why do none of the other sites I have been to say anything about how to kill the Bosses?..lots of tips on how to do ..whatever...after one completes the game, but this is stupid..I have blown 52...count em..52 credits trying to kill that damn worm and nothing I have tried has worked HELP ME!...I could also use info about bosses I have not fought yet, codes to unlock powers, ect. Email me!!

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Guest Darth Wart

from the guide:






If this giant worm is causing you problems, you're not alone. And it's not you; he IS extremely difficult at first. But once you have his attacks memorized he's probably the easiest of the boss monsters.



There are two stages to the attack. In the first, he slithers out and blows poison breath at you. The key here is running around in idiotic circles until it dissipates. After it does so, you can launch into his belly with a running, forward stabbing attack, whichever one that is for your character (usually a running X). DO NOT lock-on to this beast. His next stratagem is to whip his tail around in a circle: get out of the way, and stab him in the belly when he rears up. After you stab him, get out of there. Don't get greedy; one stab per opportunity. If you blow it, don't keep swinging, get out and wait for your next chance. If your character runs slow (Plo Koon, for instance), I wouldn't advise stabbing after the poison breath, no; after the 360 (the window of opportunity seems to be open longer after the 360) is when Plo should act. When I do this guy, I always position myself in the lower center of the screen; that way, when I'm ready to attack, he'll rear up toward me (more or less), and I can get a better look at what I'm doing. WARNING: Do not touch any part of his body except his belly, even with your lightsaber. It'll only hurt you. Also, don't bother attacking except during the "rearing" sequence. I don't care how devastating your attack is, it won't register. And if you get hit by the poison breath, you're probably going to be hit by ALL the poison breaths of that attack. When this happens there's not much else you can do but stand there and take it.



One more thing: he's only vulnerable to attack when he rears up, like I just said. But note well that this is when he rears up AND DOES NOTHING. He also rears up to spit his poison breath at you, but he's not vulnerable at that point. So it's not SIMPLY the fact that he's reared up.



During the poison breath attack, two players need to run together, keeping very close. Decide how large your circles will be and in which direction you'll run them before you enter this fray. If you don't, his poison breath will follow you crazily all over the screen and you both are more likely to get nailed that way.



It takes three definite hits before he'll move on to the next stage. If you haven't got that yellow thing, do so now. You won't be able to come back here (at least on this life).



The second stage is more difficult; there's less room to maneuver. Three more hits from here will win you the level, but they're trickier to score at this second stage. Be careful when moving to the second stage arena: it's possible to fall off the 6:00 edge when you are between the two stages [r_akkyst@postoffice.pacbell.net].



The first attack he (or perhaps she) will use here is again the poison breath, this time more of it. Same game. Run around in circles till it dissipates. (The circles can be surprisingly small.) After the poison breath, that's when you attack. NOTE: you do not have the option of making him face you at this second stage.



His other attack is to unleash a horde of giant roaches on you (technically they're called "kreetles"). Lock and whack with your fastest attack (NOTE: some lightsaber strokes do not go anywhere near the ground; use one that does.) These little pests can do some serious damage to some characters. Amidala, in particular, is almost helpless against them.



On two-player, the second stage here has a glitch: one of the characters will run up and stab the worm in the belly. Then, that character will sometimes "freeze" for a full second with the saber deep in the entrails of the beast, while you hear a chilling zapping noise. This does not count as even a single hit, sadly, and I know no way of avoiding it.



During the second stage, it's possible to hide behind Jar-Jar during the poison breath part of the worm's attack. When I was first told this (by "Darth Scythe" and "semprini") I couldn't believe that it was possible, or, when I tried it, how well it worked. Even two players can fit back there. (alaughter@ciit.org proved that you don't have to stay behind Jar Jar the whole time; actually, all you need to do is run past him and the mist should go to him. There's no need to stand and pause behind him, although that's probably safer.) The one drawback to this hilarious strategy is that when you run out to stab the worm, you won't be able to get a good look at what you're doing (i.e. how far you are from it).



I've also received reports (e.g. from rosac@mindspring.com that if the worm falls on you when you kill it, the game will glitch up and freeze you on that screen. I've never been able to get this to work for me, though. But it does go back to what I said about Level One: if you happen to die at the precise moment any boss monster does, the game'll freeze up.



If you're shy of the points needed to max this level out, you can simply not stab the worm for the sixth time. Every kreetle you kill gives you 100 points, and though you could theoretically keep this up for as long as necessary, I suspect the bugs would wear you down before you racked up even a couple thousand.



I would not advise going to the right side of the screen during either stage of this boss monster; your work is on the left.






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